Visualcommunication designs have been in the industry for years but nevercould step forward like they are now. In today’s world, conveyingyour message easily and effectively is quite important as people arealways on-the-go and do not spend an extra second to understand whatthey are watching or reading. There is a famous axiom that justifiesit’s true meaning when said in the context of visual communication:“it doesn’t matter what you say but how you say it”.

But,what makes a design bad or good? A good visual design can attract thetarget audience and inspire potential responses whereas a bad visualdesign will clutter the message and muddle it completely. To expressand spread your word effectively, here are some mistakes “not” tomake in your visual designs:

  • GoodUniformity

Rightnow, we are talking about visual design industry which never talks ineasy language. Thinking of creating easy and simple infographics willjust be a useless thought all over.

Oneof the most important principles of design is keeping thingsbalanced. All the elements should be distributed evenly throughout alayout as it delivers a sense of stability and a sense of properorder. Often, symmetry refers to a simple and boring way to conveyyour message.

Instead,you can go with asymmetry as it is capable of seizing people’sattention effectively and creates a sense of spontaneity.

  • GivingElements a Room to Breathe

Overusage of white space in a visual design is another mistake which mostof the designers are making nowadays. Due to strewing content andother elements all over the page, the design looks chaotic anddoesn’t even helps connect people which message you are conveying.

Keepingproximity between related visually created elements surely attractsthe attention of people. White space creates a contrast betweendifferent visuals and content, establishes a visual hierarchy andinfluences eyes of people in a specific direction.

  • Repetition,But Not Much!

Repetitionis commonly used by many visual designers to make their designsappealing and create consistency and unity in a layout. Also, for thereaders, it becomes easy to understand and relate. Instead, if you donot repeat a few elements throughout your project – for exampleimagery placement, certain colors, fonts, the layout of content orspatial relationships – your design may seem like scattered andhave no continuity, thus resulting in not able to “tie alltogether” by your customer.

Doremember, not to overdo the repetition as design might become alittle bothersome and daunting.

  • AligningText in Center

Acommon novice mistake is to align masses of text in the center of alayout. Aligning too much text in center often seems sloppy andclumsy. For the readers, it becomes harder to understand as centeredaligned text gives irregular left and right edges. It becomes tougherto figure out from where the line starts and ends.

Usingleft or right alignment for the body text is the best idea. Keepcenter alignment for headlines or short lined texts.


Asimilar space between individual alphabets in a word refers to asKerning. It may sound like a minor issue, but it’s not! If a wordpossesses poor kerning and the alphabets are too close to oneanother, that word and even the sentence may seem like poor, unclear,messy and hard to read. Good kerning gives a sense of visuallyorganized and neat design.

Withouta well created, good design, even a revolutionary idea often getslost in the mix. Avoid making above listed mistakes for creating visual communication design to become a professional inconveying your message clearly and effectively.
