Electrical panels are an important part of any home or building. They provide power to all electrical systems, lighting, appliances, and more. Unfortunately, they can also be a source of problems. Knowing what issues to look out for and how to fix them can save time, energy, and money in the long run. Here are 10 common electrical panel issues and how to fix them.


1) Loose Connections: A loose connection is one of the most frequent problems with electrical panels. To fix it, turn off the main breaker before checking every connection for tightness. If necessary add extra screws or connectors as needed. Electrical panels in Bellevue, WA should be checked monthly for loose connections.


2) Corrosion: Over time corrosion can build up on the circuit breakers due to moisture and condensation. To fix this, use a damp cloth to remove the corrosion, then apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or electrical grease over the connections.


3) Tripped Breakers: Circuit breakers can become tripped if too much current is flowing through them. To reset it, locate the switch that has been tripped and push it back up until you hear it click into place.


4) Overheating: Overheating is caused when too many appliances are plugged into one circuit and can be dangerous because electricity can spark and cause fires. First, check for loose wires or corroded connections and tighten or replace them as necessary. You may also need to add additional circuit breakers to spread the load more evenly.


5) Fuses Blowing: If your fuses keep blowing, it’s important to first locate the cause of the overload before attempting to replace them. This could be due to overloaded appliances or loose connections somewhere in the system. Fixing this will allow the fuses to function properly again.


6) Loose Wires: Loose wires can be dangerous as they can spark and cause fires. Regularly check all wiring for tightness and also inspect any insulation that may have become damaged over time. Replace any frayed or worn-out wires immediately, and make sure all connections are secure.


7) Aging Panels: Older panels may not be able to adequately handle today’s energy demands. Consider replacing outdated panels with more up-to-date models that are compatible with modern appliances and meet all safety requirements.


8) Voltage Issues: You may find that lights flicker or appliances don’t work properly due to voltage issues. Have an electrician check the wiring for any loose connections or short circuits and ensure that your panel can handle the current load of your home.


9) Electrical Noise: If you hear buzzing, humming, or other strange noises coming from your electrical panel, call a professional immediately as this could be from a defect in the wiring or equipment. You may require electrical rewiring in Bellevue, WA to fix this.


10) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI): GFCIs help protect people from electric shock and should be installed in all wet or damp areas. Test GFCIs monthly by pushing the “Test” button and ensuring that it trips correctly.

10 Tips To Hire An  Electrician


1) Check the Credentials: It’s important to ensure that any electrician you hire is a certified professional. Ask for proof of licensing and insurance, as well as references from past clients.


2) Get Estimations in Writing: Before beginning any project, ask your electrician to provide an estimate in writing. This helps avoid unexpected costs down the line.


3) Read Reviews & Testimonials: Online reviews can help you gain insight into the quality of their services before hiring them. Also check for testimonials with photos if possible, so that you know the work will be done correctly and safely.


4) Inquire About Experience & Specialization: Different types of electrical jobs require different skills, so make sure your electrician is qualified to handle the job you’re asking them to do. Ask them about their experience and any areas of specialization they have.


5) Ask About Supplies & Parts: When it comes to purchasing supplies or parts for a project, ask your electrician which brands they prefer and why. This will give you an idea of the quality of materials used for the job.


6) Make Sure They Have Necessary Equipment: Quality tools are essential for any successful electrical project. Inquire what type of equipment your electrician has on hand and whether they will be responsible for providing all necessary materials and tools.


7) Clarify Responsibilities: It’s important to be clear about who is responsible for what. Ensure that your electrician understands all of the tasks you expect them to do, and make sure they are willing to take on any additional tasks that may arise.


8) Understand Payment Terms: Before beginning a project, ask your electrician how they prefer to be paid and whether they provide financing options. Have an agreement in writing regarding payment terms and include a clause or written agreement outlining procedures should the job not turn out as planned.


9) Check Their Insurance & Warranty Policies: Request proof of insurance and look into warranty policies offered by your electrician. This will help protect you if something goes wrong during work.


10) Sign a Contract: Before any work begins, make sure to sign a contract that outlines all of the details of the job. This will protect both you and your electrician should something not go as planned.


Follow these 10 tips when hiring an electrician in Bellevue, WA and you can rest assured that your electrical project will be done safely and correctly.  With the right electrician for the job, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your home is safe from electrical hazards. If you want to learn more or book an appointment, please dial (425) 615-5000 to reach OutToday Plumbing, Heating, & Electrical.


