Several common signs indicate your AC unit needs to be replaced. While minor repairs can help extend the life and efficiency of an AC, eventually it’s time for a replacement. Knowing the red flags will help you make the right decision when it comes to replacing your air conditioner. Here are 10 common signs that indicate it’s time for an AC replacement in Peoria, AZ.

1) Your AC unit is over 10 years old: As air conditioners age, they become less efficient and more prone to breaking down. If your AC unit is older than 10 years, you should consider replacing it with a newer model which is designed to be more energy-efficient and have fewer breakdowns than older models.


2) You notice strange noises: If your AC unit is making strange noises like banging, buzzing, or grinding sounds, it may be a sign that the system is failing and needs to be replaced.


3) You’re dealing with frequent breakdowns: If you find yourself calling for repairs more than once a year, the cost of repairing your old unit is likely outweighing the benefits of getting a new one.


4) Your electric bills are higher than usual: As air conditioners age, they become less efficient at cooling your home and require more energy to do so – leading to increased electricity bills. If you notice an increase in your monthly energy bill without any changes to your usage habits, it could be time to replace your AC unit.


5) Your AC unit is leaking: If you notice any kind of fluid or condensation coming from your AC, it’s an indicator that there is a serious problem with the system and should be replaced immediately.


6) You’re not getting enough cool air from vents: All of the airflow from your vents should be cold – if you’re noticing that only some of them are cold or none of them are cold, then it could be a sign that your AC unit needs to be replaced.


7) The temperature in different rooms isn’t consistent: If certain parts of your home feel warmer than others, it may mean that your air conditioner can no longer keep up with cooling demands and needs to be replaced.


8) You don’t feel comfortable in your home: If you find yourself still feeling hot and uncomfortable despite having the AC on, then that may mean that your current unit isn’t powerful enough to cool your entire home.


9) Your AC has an unpleasant smell: An odor coming from your air conditioner is usually a sign of mold or mildew growth – a serious problem that can only be resolved by replacing the system.


10) There is visible rust on the unit: Rust is a sign that the inner components of your AC are starting to corrode and will need to be replaced soon.


These are 10 common signs that indicate it’s time for an AC replacement in Peoria, AZ. Keeping an eye out for these warning signs can help you ensure that your air conditioner is running as efficiently and reliably as possible.  If you think it’s time to replace your old AC unit, contact a local HVAC specialist in Peoria today to get started!


Tips To Maintain The Efficiency Of Your AC Unit

1. Change the filter regularly

2. Clean around your AC unit often to remove debris and dirt from the outside of the system

3. Make sure all vents are open and unobstructed by furniture or other objects

4. Keep your thermostat set at a consistent temperature throughout the day

5. Schedule regular AC maintenance in Sun City, AZ to ensure it is running optimally.

6. Invest in a smart thermostat to ensure your AC is running efficiently.

7. Consider installing a whole-house dehumidifier to reduce the load on your AC unit.

8. Have a professional inspect your ductwork for leaks, cracks, and holes.

Taking the time to properly maintain your AC unit will help keep it running smoothly and efficiently for many years.


