In today’s world children usually complain when they have to go to bed, or sit quietly. Back in the 1900s Child Labor laws exists in the U.S. which lead to many children having to work in the mines, hazardous factories and other industries to support their families. In these series of photographs named, 20 Shocking Images of Child Labor In 1900s, were commissioned by the National Child Labor Committee.

Photographer Lewis Hine documented the child labor laws in the U.S by taking photos of the children. Thankfully child labor laws are now a thing of the past in the developed world, but they sadly still exist in the other countries.

In these series of photos you’ll see the harsh conditions these children had to endure, children would lose limbs, fingers and some would be permanently deformed with scars or other medical complications due to their work.

Source: The U.S. Library of Congress

Youngsters at Bibb Mill No. 1, 1909

Some boys were so small they had to climb up on the spinning frame to mend the broken threads and put back the empty bobbins. Location: Macon, Georgia.

Manuel, the young shrimp-picker, 5 years old

Manuel and a mountain of child-labor oyster shells behind him. He worked last year. Understands not a word of English. Dunbar, Lopez, Dukate Company. Location: Biloxi, Mississippi.

11-year-old at Crescent Hosiery Mill

Nannie Coleson, looper who said she was 11 years old, and has been working in the Crescent Hosiery Mill for some months. Makes about $3 a week. Has been through the 5th grade in school. She is bright, but unsophisticated. Told investigator, “There are other little girls in the mill too. One of them, says she’s 13, but she doesn’t look any older than me.” Location: Scotland Neck, North Carolina.

Young Cigarmakers in Englahardt & Co., Tampa, Fla.

There boys looked under 14. Work was slack and youngsters were not being employed much. Labor told me in busy times many small boys and girls are employed. Youngsters all smoke. Location: Tampa, Florida.

Stealing coal from railroad coal-yard

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Vance, a Trapper Boy, 15 years old

Has trapped for several years in a West Va. Coal mine. $.75 a day for 10 hours work. All he does is to open and shut this door: most of the time he sits here idle, waiting for the cars to come. On account of the intense darkness in the mine, the hieroglyphics on the door were not visible until plate was developed. Location: West Virginia.

Willie Bryden, 13, holding the door open in a mine

Waiting all alone in the dark for a trip to come through. It was so damp that Willie said he had to be doctoring all the time for his cough. A short distance from here, the gas was pouring into the mine so rapidly that it made a great torch when the foreman lit it. Willie had been working here for four months, 500 feet down the shaft, and a quarter of a mile underground from there. (Shaft #6 Pennsylvania Coal Co.) Walls have been whitewashed to make it lighter. January 16th, I found Willie at home sick, His mother admitted that he is only 13 yrs old; will be 14 next July. Said that 4 mos. ago the mine boss told the father to take Willie to work, and that they obtained the certificate from Squire Barrett. (The only thing the Squire could do was to make Willie out to be 16 yrs old.) Willie’s father and brother are miners and the home is that of a frugal German family. Location: Pittston, Pennsylvania.

Amos, 6, and Horace, 4 years old, in Tobacco Fields

Their father, John Neal is a renter and raises tobacco. He said (and the owner of the land confirmed it) that both these boys work day after day from “sun-up to sun-down” worming and suckering, and that they are as steady as a grown-up. Location: Warren County –Albaton, Kentucky

Breaker boys in #9 breaker

Location: Pittston, Pennsylvania.

Sweeper and Doffer Boys

Sweeper and Doffer Boys, Lancaster Mills (Cotton). S.C. Many more as small. Location: Lancaster, South Carolina.

Some of the boys at a busy trolley junction

3 brothers, Salvatore, 9 yrs. (in front), Joseph, 11 yrs. (cripple), Lewis, 13 yrs. (between these 2). “We would be murdered if we shop craps.” Boy at left sold me pair of dice for 2 c[en]ts. – what he would have to pay for more. Location: Jersey City, New Jersey.

Pennsylvania Breakers

The dust was so dense at times as to obscure the view. This dust penetrates the utmost recess of the boy’s lungs. Location: South Pittston, Pennsylvania.

11-year-old boys working a two-man saw

Boys working in Maple Mill, Dillon, S.C. Pete Dunlap (smaller). Said 11 years old. Mannings Dunlap. Both doff-40 cents a day. Location: Dillon, South Carolina.

11-year-old Callie Campbell picking cotton

Callie Campbell, 11 years old, picks 75 to 125 pounds of cotton a day, and totes 50 pounds of it when sack gets full. “No, I don’t like it very much.” Location: Potawotamie County, Oklahoma.

15-year-old Estelle Poiriere with finger injury

Union Hospital case – Estelle Poiriere, 137 Robeson St., 15 years old. Doffer at Granite No. 1 mill. Laceration of index and middle finger of right hand. Caught in card machine. Injured Dec. 21, 1915 and finger grew stiff and had to have cord cut. Still an outpatient in June and not working yet. Location: Fall River, Massachusetts.

3-year-old playing at Ivey Mill

Ivey Mill, Hickory, N.C. Little one, 3 years old, who visits and plays in the mill. Daughter of the overseer. Location: Hickory, North Carolina.

Boys working on and around moving coal cars

On the tipple at the Bessie Mine, Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co. These young boys work around and on these coal cars, loaded and empty, while they are running at full speed. It is dangerous. One of these boys said, “Ain’t hardly a day goes by that someone don’t get pinched or hurt.” “I got my leg jammed a while ago and was laid up a week.” Location: Bessie Mine, Alabama.

12-year old who lost his hand

Rural Accident. Twelve-year old Clinton Stewart and his mowing machine which cut off his hand.

Cartoners at canning factory

Some of the cartoners, not the youngest, at Seacoast Canning Co., Factory #2. Location: Eastport, Maine.

5-year-old Jo Benevidos Having Lunch

Jo Benevidos, 5 Merion St. Curled up in a doffing box, eating his lunch. Location: Fall River, Massachusetts.
