Here's a collection of awesome minimalist movie posters.This list showcases many popular movies including The Dark Knight, The Avengers, Moonrise Kingdom and many more!

Freaks and Geeks by designbynickmorrison

House M.D by fabiocs

Superman by Quibe

Marie Antoinette by Linda Hordijk

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World by Duke Dastardly

Where The Wild Things Are by Martin Lucas

The Dark Knight by Travis English

The Shawshank Redemption by Ojasvi Mohanty

Jurassic Park by OJASVI MOHANTY

Moulin Rouge by Adam Juresko

Night of the Living Dead by Jesse Brais

The Avengers  by D3rtymunky

Moonrise Kingdom kit by Alizée Lafon

The Fifth Element by Paul Andrew/December Studio

The Avengers by Matt Owen

The Blues Brothers by Matt Owen

Jurassic Park by Harshness

There Will Be Blood by Krista Clement

Sunshine by Jan Wurtmann

The Grey by Daniel Norris

Prometheus by Daniel Norris

The Machinist by David Norris

The Dark Knight Rises by mateyboy
