Why not make going back to school a fun experience with these clever back to school DIY’s for parents and kids! With these awesome do-it-yourself projects you can create some awesome school items.
A common pattern in North America and Europe is for school to begin in late August or early September in the northern hemisphere and in late January or early February in most Southern Hemisphere countries.
With some fantastic back to school projects like making your own DIY this ruler crate to keep homework supplies organized, create a colorful snack bag or why not get super high tech with a DIY digital projector for their classroom!
1. Upcycle a milk jug into a sandwich keeper.
You can never have too many sandwich keepers, tbh. Get the tutorial HERE.
2. Customize gel pens with color-coordinated feathers.
Learn how HERE.
3. DIY this ruler crate to keep homework supplies organized.
Lemon Tree Dwelling will show you how.
4. Keep crayons organized with this handmade crayon roll.
Find out how at Say Yes.
5. Always have a snack sack on hand.
Owen’s Olivia has a great tutorial to make your own.
7. Create a family command center out of an old door.
Get tips HERE.
9. Waterproof their canvas shoes to help them last all year.
Bee’s wax and a hairdryer should do the trick.
10. Keep homework organized with a customized bulletin board.
Tutorial HERE.
11. Color code notebooks by subject to make them easy to find.
12. Build this DIY digital projector for their classroom.
Photojojo will show you how.
13. Color-code hangers to streamline outfit planning during the week.
14. Make your own catch-all shelf to keep school supplies contained at home.
15. Got sewing skills? Upcycle juice pouches into storage cases.
Get the tutorial HERE.
16. Or keep things handy by installing a pen holder in their notebook.
17. Make them a custom backpack.
Instructions HERE.
18. Help little ones feel confident with their zipper abilities.
And keep accidents at bay. (Tutorial HERE.)
19. Never run out of ice packs again.
21. DIY this duck tape bookmark.
Instructions are HERE.
22. If you’re feeling really ambitious, try tackling these book covers.
See how it’s done HERE.
23. Or put together a homework station.
via BuzzFeed