23 LGBT Tattoo Ideas You Can Wear With Pride
For many people tattoos reflect a deeper connection regarding their personal identity and it’s no surprise that the LGBT community is a very strong and liberating cause. Coming out of the closet that be very difficult especially when you have a closed minded family, today we’ll be looking at some awesome LGBT tattoo ideas you can wear with pride you can show off to the world!
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender is an excellent force for wanting to get a tattoo, these days equal rights is still limited for the LGBT community when it comes to marriage which hopefully will soon be a thing of the last. Today these 23 LGBT Tattoo Ideas You Can Wear With Pride are all inspiring and showcase stunning artwork!
2. Make it wonderfully unique:
3. It doesn’t have to be a big statement:
4. As long as it has personal meaning to you:
5. Get it with someone you love:
7. Make it abstract but colorful:
8. Make it LOUD:
9. Or leave it simple and stunning:
10. There’s nothing wrong with sticking with a classic:
11. Screw it, get a whole bunch:
13. Pay tribute to an artist you admire:
14. You could always take the words right out of their mouth:
20. Use some symbolism to get the point across.
Asexual tattoo (left) and bisexual tattoo (right).
via BuzzFeed