WordPress right out of the box is one of the most powerful software on the internet. With more than 300 million blogs already on the internet, and more sites moving to WordPress daily, there is no reason for any of us to see a slow down in sight. In fact, it’s now been stated that up to 72% of all sites created on the internet today are using WordPress to power their sites.
However, just because WordPress is a great CMS in itself, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t further room for improvement. One such example of how sites can further be improved outside of what WP offers in itself is to perform the necessary optimization to make sure your site is running as fast as possible at all times.
To help with this process, I’ve listed three great resources on how to improve the speed of a WordPress site.
Three Great Resources to Improve WordPress Site Speed
Run a Website Optimization Test
There are many different ways to test the speed of your site, but if you are only relying on one solution, you aren’t getting the whole picture. Check out this optimization test resource and discover seven of the most used tools for measuring the performance of your site.
Benefits to Increasing the Speed of Your Site
It’s not enough to simply implement changes into your site to make sure it loads faster, you also need to know why your site should be as fast as possible at all times as well. In this article, you will discover why and how site speed can affect search rankings, site conversions and how long your audience stays on a site.
11 Simple Tips to Improve Site Speed
Not all changes to your site are going to need to be dramatic. In this resource guide, you will learn 11 simple ways you can increase the speed and performance of your site right away. Implement each of these changes, then check your site speed after each change.
Each of the resources above is unique in their own way, just like how each of the methods used to increase site speed and performance is unique. Some of the most heavily recommended methods to improve site performance include making sure you are running on a high-performance server, connecting to a CDN network, optimizing your image sizes and reducing any third party applications or widgets that might be slowing the speed down on your site. Another key component to reducing stress and loading issues within WordPress is to make sure all themes and plugins are up to date and also removed when not in use. Not only will this help with loading times, it will also make your site less vulnerable to hackers that can break their way in through outdated add ons.
Lastly, with more people accessing websites and blogs on mobile devices, it’s also important to check the speed and performance of your responsive site as well. This can be done through the Google Mobile tester. It’s okay to have a content heavy website for your desktop audience, but mobile friendly sites should be pretty light on their content, as users have less viewing area and sites need to load fast.
Improve the Speed of Your WordPress Site Today
The speed of your site is something that is extremely important, but it’s also something many site owners tend to neglect. Just take a few minutes to check out each of the resources above and see how they can instantly improve the performance of your site. It might just be some of the most rewarding time you’ve spent on your site in a long time!