Today’s Freebie is a collection of 45 Free Flat Circle Social Icons Set PSD, these Flat Icons have a very simple style created by the Artful Club. These flat social media icons are perfect for your next design project and are fully editable. The Flat Design style started with Microsoft Windows 8 and has grown to other design mediums. The term Flat Design has been used in the community by taking away textures, gradients and drop shadows leaving just solid color.

In this pack you’ll find 20 icons in a neatly layer PSD File ready to be used and edited.

This PSD freebie includes icons Facebook, Twitter, RSS, Design Bump, Dribbble, YouTube, Blogger, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Deviant Art, Instagram, Behance, Last FM, Google+, Flickr, Forrst, HTM5, Picasa and Stumble Upon and loads more!

45 Free Flat Circle Social Icons Set PSD

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