47 Powerful Photographs Of People From Around The World
Sometime’s we see Photography that’s can move us and bring up a variety of emotions, today’s post does just that with these stunning photographs of people from around the world.
Living in our own little bubble we forget how other people live in different countries, just be looking at these breathtaking photographs of people you can see their culture and conditions these people live in.
These 47 Powerful Photographs Of People From Around The World are particularly memorable, for me the eyes are one of the strongest features in this series. Some of these people are smiling while others have a more serious approach.

CORRECTION: The last photo has been replaced with a person whose natural skin tone wasn’t altered. h/t Dominie Dirtch for pointing this out. (3/16/14)
Special thanks to all the photographers for allowing me to showcase their beautiful work.
via BuzzFeed