Selling property is serious business. Most people will never own anything as costly and vital as their homes, so when you’re hiring a real estate agent, you’re employing someone to manage the most important property in your life.

You want to be assured that you and your sale are at the very top of the real estate agent’s duties, regardless of any other considerations.


Agents work for agencies

A fundamental and straightforward truth of hiring an estate agent is that while they work for you in a particular sense, they’re ultimately employed by the agency. There are codes of conduct governing the industry, but it’s worth always bearing this in mind.

For the most part, there will be no conflict between the demands of the agency and the client, but should one arise in any way, it might pay to be wary of it. If there’s an instance in which disadvantaging you can make a sale happen, you should keep an eye on things.

Experience is important

Real estate can be a nuanced and opaque world, which means that experience holds a lot of weight. There are two ways it’s telling: firstly, someone with a long record in the industry is clearly good enough to survive the cut and thrust of the sector.

Secondly, someone with a proven record will doubtless also have picked up the finer details along the way and will therefore be best placed to see your sale or purchase through to the end successfully.



There are several specifics within the real estate market, meaning that each area has specific requirements that must be met. An agent who normally sells urban homes may not know enough about commercial insurance, or rural properties.

It pays to ensure that the agent you take on has the requisite expertise, as well as having built up relationships with others within the targeted sector itself. Knowing the right buyers, sellers, lawyers, and local administrators can make a big difference to your deal.

Track sales

Where possible, it’s helpful to research a prospective agent’s recent sales record to assess how well they’ve been doing in the shorter term. For many reasons, agents will go through highs and lows, and you don’t want to get dragged into a slump.

It’s not a personal judgment thing. It just makes business sense in the end. People have many reasons for varying performance levels, and you really ought to ensure that your representative is firing on all cylinders before you hire.


Local knowledge

It is crucial that your agent has an excellent understanding of the area you’re buying or selling in because, as anyone who has bought or sold property will know, there’s no substitute for local knowledge.

Not only does it impact issues around pricing and such, but also because of local contacts relating to repairs and inspections, as well as local property zoning and legislation. Having established relationships with important local people is indispensable.

Check to see whether the agent appears to know their way around the area, that they know local people from different walks of life, and that they are familiar with all the local amenities too. It could make or break your deal.

Concluding thoughts

For most, buying or selling real estate is about as crucial as any transaction will ever be. It’s easy to get mired in the whole process, so your choice of an agent can make or break the experience for you and your family.

It’s essential to remember that you’re not hiring this nice lady or that decent man. You’re hiring a professional who will be in charge of your most important asset, so it makes sense to remove the personal aspect and focus on business instead.

