The desert town of Sedona, Arizona, is a beautiful vacation place with many activities to enjoy. From the mighty Cathedral Rock to Oak Creek Canyon, there are many natural wonders to explore and some man-made marvels as well. If one lives in Sedona they can turn their place into a vacation rental property for others to enjoy. To make the most of it, keep these 8 essential tips in mind to make the most of your Sedona vacation:

Know When to Visit

One of the first things you should consider before your trip to Sedona, Arizona, is when you want to visit. Each season offers a different view of the gorgeous Arizona rock formations, canyons, and wildlife:

  • Spring temperatures are beautiful, ranging from the mid-40s to the 70s, offering a better chance of rain without the risk of scorching in the hot sun. If you plan to do a lot of hiking, then going in the spring might help you beat the tourism rush in the fall.
  • Arizona summers are notoriously dry and hot, but if you want the authentic Sedona experience, you won’t see anything more beautiful than an Arizona sunrise in the summer. You’ll also get the most out of your swimming adventures if you go during the summer.
  • Fall is one of the most popular times people book a trip to Sedona, likely for the gorgeous weather and magnificent fall colors in places like Oak Creek Canyon.
  • Winter is a beautiful time to visit Sedona if you want to go hiking and avoid the heat of the day, especially if you plan to be on the trail for a while. Plus, the snowy peaks of Sedona’s rock formations are a sight you’ll never forget.

Come Prepared with Hiking Gear

Hiking is one of the most popular activities in Sedona, Arizona, and if you want to take advantage of these gorgeous hiking trails through the canyons and rocks, you’ll want to be well-prepared.

Some of these trails aren’t for beginners, so prepare yourself with comfortable hiking gear, suitable shoes, and a backpack with plenty of supplies (don’t forget your water!). Factor the seasons in your planning, too. Sun protection is paramount if you’re hiking in the summer, while winter hiking trips require lots of snuggly warm layers.

Even if you’re not planning on doing much trail-blazing, make sure you come dressed for the occasion; Sedona has a tremendous amount of natural beauty to be explored, and you don’t want to miss it by forgetting to pack the right gear.

Set Off Early

While on the topic of hiking, you’ll want to ensure you set off as early as possible for your adventure. If you don’t, you risk getting crowded out at the parking lot by the trailhead. Even by 8 a.m., the parking lot can be crowded, so set off early to beat the rush.

Make sure to download or print out your map so that you don’t get caught without service, and thus a digital map, on the trail. In addition, if you’re feeling bright and energetic for an early hike, starting earlier in the morning gives you a chance to see the sunrise peaking over the rocks and ensures that you’ll be done with the trail before the sun sets.

Being out on the trail after dark can be dangerous, and it’s yet another good reason why you want to start your hiking trips early in Sedona.

Reserve Restaurants Early

Many popular restaurants in Sedona boast gorgeous views, and while they’re well worth seeing, grabbing a seat at these famous locations is almost impossible if you don’t plan ahead. You should always aim to call in advance or book online when you plan to visit these scenic dining spots to avoid long waits in line.

Get a Rental Car

A rental car is an ideal way to get around in Sedona. Don’t limit yourself to the town area you can access on foot—half the adventure of Sedona is driving around by yourself to see the gorgeous sights. Just ensure you don’t get harassed by the impatient drivers on the main roads and choose a vehicle that can handle the terrain.

Investigate the Sedona Trolly or Sedona Jeep

The Sedona Trolly and the Sedona Jeep are two great tours that will show you many of the iconic spots in Sedona and give you a glimpse of some of Sedona’s finest landmarks and historic sites with gorgeous views. It’s well worth the price of admission, even if it’s just to earmark some spots you want to check out later on your vacation.

Don’t Overspend on Scenic Hotels

It may sound counterintuitive to suggest that you shouldn’t look for a scenic hotel, but anyone who’s vacationed in Sedona before will tell you: there are gorgeous sights to behold everywhere you look.

As such, don’t be duped into paying for a costly hotel that advertises the best views in Sedona. The town has gorgeous views as far as the eye can see, so to save a little on your room expenses, shop for a well-priced, practical hotel or Airbnb.

Limit Your Dining Out

Sedona runs on a different timetable than many other places, with most restaurants opening early and closing early. As such, it’s hard to squeeze in dinnertime without being crowded by tourists with the same idea.

It’s usually better to go to the grocery store for your dinners to save money and avoid the hassle of finding a restaurant. If you want to go out for a meal, lunchtime is your best bet to see the beautiful sights and avoid the rush.

The Bottom Line

Sedona is a magnificent place to spend your vacation, full of one-of-a-kind landmarks and natural beauty as far as the eyes can see. However, the experience is all the better if you are well-prepared. Research vacation rental management in Sedona to find the perfect unique place to stay. Bring clothes and equipment to hit the trails and book early to beat the rush at popular Sedona restaurants.

While there is much joy in unbridled exploration, don’t forget that incredible guided tours, such as the Sedona Trolly, are sure to provide an unforgettable experience.

