Dog Tries To Warn Driver And Get His Car Stopped, Driver Ignores Him, Just Look At What Unbelievable Happened Few Seconds Later
Dogs are known as “man’s best friend,” but it isn’t just their amazing companionship that marks dogs as unique in the animal world. Dogs have been proven to detect cancer, predict storms and some people even believe they can see into the future. In one recent case, a Russian man is certain that a stray dog tried to warn him that he was about to get in an accident. Read on and decide whether you think the dog knew what was going to happen.
16. Warning From a Dog

Dogs have highly developed senses and they can understand what is happening in their environment before humans are able to detect anything. Dogs can seem to predict storms, but what about accidents? A Russian driver uploaded a video that he says proves a dog was trying to send him a warning, which he failed to heed.