What to Keep In Mind When Using a Tanning Bed
If you plan to tan your skin, tanning beds might be up your alley. But it isn’t as easy as you think. That’s not even mentioning the risks it poses when done incorrectly.
Here are some tips for using the tanning bed.
Things to keep in mind
Everyone’s skin is different from one another. This can have benefits or extra steps depending on who you are.
Tanning sessions per skin type can vary as well as the type of lotion you will use.
The first thing to consider is your skin type and work on a routine from there.
Before heading out for a tan, you should first exfoliate your skin.
Dead skin cells might still be sticking around, and we wouldn’t want them to receive the effects of the tan. Should that happen, it’ll only be a matter of time before they fall off, bringing the tanned results with them.
Exfoliating will ensure that your skin cells are all new and fresh, ready for the tanning bed.
You can either go for physical or chemical exfoliants for your skin.
Another important pre-tanning procedure you should do is moisturizing.
You’re going to lose some hydration when you hit the tan. This can leave your skin looking dry. No amount of tanning will save that from looking bad.
This is why tanning lotions and self-tanners are filled with moisturizing properties. This is to ensure your skin looks glowing and smooth.
To keep things consistent, moisturize your skin before and after your tanning session to replenish the water that will be absorbed when you use the tanning bed.
Since you want a full-body tan, it’d be best to shave a bit before your tanning session.
Just like with exfoliating, this is to keep the tan consistent.
Use Sunscreen
This isn’t much of a tip and more of a must. Any activity that involves UV rays calls for skin protection.
Skin irritation, burning, and diseases linked to UV ray exposure should be avoided at any cost. This isn’t just limited to sunlight. There are other ways for UV light to be present, such as a tanning bed.
Whether it is from the sun or the lights in a tanning bed, put on sunscreen. An SPF level of 50 is what you should go for to guarantee effective protection from UV light.
Wear Tanning Goggles
Another important thing you should bring and wear is a pair of goggles.
Your eyes need to be shielded from the harsh effects of UV light. While you can just get away with not lying directly below the sun with outdoor tanning, the same can’t be said with indoor tanning.
Wear those with thin straps if you are worried about having strap marks found on your skin after tanning. Goggles are an essential part of indoor tanning, just like sunscreen.
Petroleum Jelly
Your lips will also need some form of protection from UV rays.
Apply petroleum jelly on them before you enter the tanning bed.
Skin Types and Tanning Outcomes
As mentioned earlier, there are different skin tones for different people. Which is why you need to identify what yours is.
While there are variations and different ways people label skin tones, the three main ones are light, medium, and dark.
Light or fair skin types may experience burning easily. It will also be difficult to get the intended results if it is their first time tanning.
Medium skin types are light brown skin colors. Medium skin types won’t have the issue of easily being burned that much. It is still necessary to follow the correct steps in tanning.
Dark skin type is likened to natural brown skin. From the get-go, the likelihood of skin burning is little to none.
Two other skin tones fall before and after medium skin types. In between light and medium is light beige. The same precaution for light skin types applies to this skin tone.
As for between medium and dark skin tones, that would be olive.
The lighter your skin tone, the more difficult and the more frequent your tanning sessions will be. You will also need to consider the precautions if you have a light skin tone.
It is also best to check up on your local tanning salon for their tanning beds. Ask the personnel involved for a more professional recommendation of what tanning bed to use based on your goals and skin type.
Tanning Bed
Another vital tip is to be familiar ahead of time with the tanning beds your salon has to offer.
You will typically come across two kinds of tanning beds. These are low-pressure and high-pressure tanning beds.
Again, choosing which one to go for will depend on your skin type.
Low-pressure tanning beds are best for first-timers. They emit a soft UV ray that helps the first few tanning sessions occur with ease.
Other situations that call for low-pressure types are for those who require little amounts of tanning or those who do it less frequently.
High-pressure tanning beds are for those who wish to deepen their tan. This is definitely suited for people with lighter skin types, as the more potent UV rays will help deepen the effects of the tan.
Tanning Lotions
Another major requirement you will need is tanning lotion. This will also depend on your skin type, as different skin types react differently to different lotions.
An advantage to having tanning lotion with you is that it helps reduce the duration of your tan while still getting results. Less time in the tanning bed is always a good thing, as that means less exposure to UV rays.
Tanning lotions also come with moisturizing properties and skin nourishment features that you don’t want to miss out on.
For first-timers, a tan accelerator is the best way to start. This is especially true for light skin types. The goal is to make the tan as natural as possible. Taking it easy and gradually is the best way to do it.
To help achieve this, you will need to aim for a base tan first. Accelerators help with this.
If you wish to go a bit further, bronzers are the way to go.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many times should I visit the tanning salon?
Since you want to keep your first session as short as two to three minutes, your next visits will slowly increase each session time by a minute or two.
Once you reach ten minutes, you should have already achieved your base tan. That will take around ten visits. By that time, you should be good to go.
When is a good time to shower?
Showering should be done a couple of hours after the tanning session. The effects of the tan will take some time to settle.
Running water can wash it off, so give it a few hours before heading into the shower.
Another thing to remember is to shower for a few minutes. Use lukewarm water instead of cold water.
Tan boosting food
You might have heard about how eating certain kinds of food helps boost the tanning process.
There are indeed foods that help out with the tanning process. Specifically, foods that have vitamin A stimulate melanin production. Melanin is what darkens the skin to minimize the effects of UV rays.
Vegetables rich in vitamin A include carrots, spinach, and radish. Red foods also help out in speeding up the tanning process. Common red foods include tomatoes, peppers, cherries, and watermelons.
These are just some of the little things you need to know for your tanning session.
Tanning may look like just lying down and waiting for your skin to look bronzed, but there’s a lot to go over to get the desired results safely.
Remember these tips and practice caution, and you’ll get out of your sessions with a glowing, healthy tan.