A furnace is a vital part of your home’s heating system, and when it begins to fail or malfunction, you should take immediate action. Furnace problems can not only leave you without heat during colder months, but they can also create dangerous situations like carbon monoxide spills. Knowing the signs that indicate your furnace needs repair is essential for keeping your family safe and comfortable. Here are the top 10 warning signs that suggest it’s time to call a professional HVAC technician for help.

1. Strange Noises: If you hear loud banging, clanging, thumping, or squealing coming from your furnace, these are all indicators that something isn’t working correctly and requires attention from a qualified furnace repair in Lake Zurich, IL.

2. Poor Air Quality: If you notice poor air quality in your home, such as a musty smell or dust particles floating around, it could be due to an issue with your furnace.

3. Increased Energy Bills: When your furnace is not running efficiently, it can cause your energy bills to increase significantly.

4. Pilot Light Issues: If the pilot light on your furnace won’t stay lit, that indicates there is a problem and you should call in an expert to diagnose the source of the issue.

5. Insufficient Heat: Whether the furnace is blowing cold air, temperature isn’t reaching its proper setting or if there are cold spots throughout some rooms of your house, this could signal that something is wrong with your furnace and that it needs to be serviced.

6. Constant Cycling: If your furnace turns on and off too frequently, or if it runs for much longer than usual, this may be a sign that something is wrong with your system.

7. Yellow Pilot Light Flame: A yellow pilot light flame instead of the normal blue flame indicates carbon monoxide present and requires immediate attention from an HVAC technician.

8. Drafts Around the Furnace: If you notice cold air coming out of registers when your furnace is running, then there could be an issue with the blower motor or another part of the system, which needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

9. Age: If your furnace is reaching the end of its life expectancy, then it may be time to look for a new furnace installation in Long Grove, IL.

10. Poor Maintenance Record: Keeping up with regular maintenance is essential for keeping your furnace in proper working order. If you haven’t been servicing your system yearly, this could result in premature wear and tear that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

If you’re experiencing any of these warning signs, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable HVAC professional to check out your furnace and make sure everything is running safely and efficiently. Fixing problems early can save you from potentially costly repair bills or needing to replace the entire unit down the line. With the right care and maintenance, your furnace can continue to keep your family warm and comfortable for many years to come.

Tips To Hire An Expert HVAC Technician:

1. Research: Take time to research the company and check its certifications before hiring them. Ask for referrals from family, friends, or colleagues. Read online reviews and interview multiple technicians to find the right one for your needs.

2. Qualifications: You must hire a technician with ample experience in HVAC repair and installation services. Look for someone who has received formal education as well as certification from a recognized industry organization, such as HVAC Excellence Certification Program or North American Technician Excellence (NATE). This would ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge necessary to safely handle any complex problems efficiently.

3. Proper Equipment: Make sure the technician uses the proper tools and equipment to carry out repairs or installation. This would ensure that the job is done correctly and safely while meeting any relevant industry standards. A good service provider should also have all the necessary spare parts to carry out the work promptly.

4. Maintenance Services: Ask if they offer maintenance services such as changing air filters or tuning up the system to maximize efficiency and reduce energy costs over time. A reliable technician should be able to provide you with guidance on how to maintain your HVAC system for optimal performance over its lifetime.

5. Warranty: Find out what kind of warranties are available for their services and products, so that you know who will be responsible if anything goes wrong after installation or repair work has been completed.  You must read the fine print and understand the terms of the warranty before signing any contracts.

Ultimately, considering these tips will help you find a reliable and professional HVAC technician who can provide the best quality services for your needs.  To obtain further information or schedule an appointment, please contact Aaron & Trecker Heating & Air Conditioning at 847-540-9585.


