The countertop is one of the most important parts of any kitchen, bathroom, or other space that needs a stylish but solid work surface. Not only does it have practical value, but it can often define the entire aesthetic of the room you install it in – for better or worse.

If you are looking for a counter that looks great and can withstand all kinds of day-to-day wear and tear, then you need to hunt for the right options. But what matters most when you are trying to choose the best surface options, and how can you easily narrow the choices down?

The Quality

Quality is important, whether it is common sense or not. A typical countertop needs to endure a lot of punishment, especially if installed in a kitchen or any other room where it is used regularly.

Quality is not just about the damage it can shrug off, though: good counters offer great style and flawlessly smooth surfaces and are properly suited for whatever you plan to use them for. A high-quality kitchen counter should be able to handle stains and physical damage but also be both stylish and practical for long and complex cooking jobs.

Higher-quality materials and construction lead to counters that last longer, handle wear and tear better, and do not show their age even if you keep them for decades with only basic maintenance. Companies like Denver Stone Plus are good examples of quality countertops.

The Design

A counter’s design is often the first thing you will notice: the material, the colors, the patterns, the rounded or unrounded edges, and whether or not it is trying to emulate another material with its design.

Remember that counters are a long-term installation – you want to choose one you will be happy to see every day for a long while, not one that clashes with the rest of the room or looks dull and unappealing.

Some countertops offer a sleek modern look, and others a more homey or rustic design. Neither is a bad option, but you need to consider what you want from a new countertop option.

Beyond that, remember that designs can also have practical value. Some colors or materials show damage more easily than others or hide dirt and dust more effectively, while others can be cleaned easily or make it easier to spot stains and small objects.

Most countertop brands and companies offer a wealth of color, pattern, material, and design choices, so do not be afraid to consider your own preferences and what would best suit the room.

The Price

Price is always relevant to a big purchase, but if you are serious about installing a counter that will last you years and years, it is important to budget well.

While the cheaper countertop options may cost less initially, they may not last as long or offer as much durability and beauty. While cost does not always directly equate to quality, there is always going to be a degree of “you get what you pay for” involved.

Understanding how much you can afford to spend on a new counter is vital if you want to narrow down your options properly and ensure that you can get a quality product within the proper range of your budget.

