Vegas, Interrupted

Image: Fox News

No one attending the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on the night of October 1, 2017 in Las Vegas could have ever guessed their happy evening would end in terror and turmoil under the hail of rapid gunfire. The chaos that would ensue would eventually leave 59 innocent souls dead and 500 injured in what is considered the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States.

Stories of Loss and Unsung Heroes

Image: ABC News

The stories from that night are heartbreaking. Mothers lost sons and many married couples lost the loves of their lives that night. However, despite the sadness, there are many stories that are empowering and downright inspiring. One woman with no connection to a shooting victim did the unthinkable that night, and her story is one that is sure to bring you to tears.

A Normal Night Begins

Image: CBS News

When Heather Gooze began her shift bartending the night of the shooting, she never could have suspected that her bar would soon become a safe haven for hundreds of terrified guests trying to escape. Her life would also be forever changed by one man, who she stayed with for hours after his dying breath.

Festival of Fun

Image: Viral Nova

Heather recalls the night being like any other. Patrons were having a good time and the music filtering into the bar created a fun and joyful atmosphere. Then, the shots started. At first Heather wasn’t aware what was happening…then the screams began.

A Shot Rings Out

Image: Fox News

Heather had this to say about the incident. “I had a British gentlemen’s credit card in my hand and was like swiping it through the machine to charge for his Budweiser when all of a sudden there was thousands of people pushing their way into the bar and screaming ‘Shooter!”

Fight or Flight

Image: NBC News

As the reality of the situation at hand hit Heather, she immediately dropped what she was doing and ran out of the bar. Heather explained it was her jumping into fight or flight mode, but something stopped her from leaving. She returned to the bar, knowing she had to help in any way she could.

The Injured Flood In


While the shots continued outside, injured people soon began to rush into the bar. Some were simply scared or in a daze, while others were seriously wounded and being carried in on makeshift stretchers.

Helping the Wounded


According to Heather, people were all helping one another. One man was dragging another man by just his fingers, while others helped stop the bleeding of others as much as they could. Heather had just finished helping a man with a headshot wound onto an ambulance when a young man was brought in on a stretcher made of wired fence.

Refusing to Leave


Unable to leave the dying young man, Heather grabbed his hand and felt him squeeze it for support. Sadly, his grip would soon fade as he succumbed to his fatal injuries. It was then the phone began to ring.

Reaching Out to Family

Image: Las Vegas Review Journal

Answering it, Heather spoke with a friend of the young man. It was a gut wrenching experience having to tell him his friend had died. Thankfully, she was able to get his name, Jordan McIldoon. He had come to Vegas for the music festival all the way from Maple Ridge, Canada. Taking it upon herself to notify his family, Heather wrote his name on her arm and looked his profile up on Facebook. She then had the painful task of messaging his family to let him know of his fate.

Where’s Amber?


Moments later, the phone would ring again. It was Jordan’s mother and she notified Heather he had attended the festival with his girlfriend, Amber. Realizing she was in the dark on Jordan’s whereabouts, Heather tried to reach her via phone. After several minutes of phone tag, Heather would finally reach Amber, who was safe in the basement of the Tropicana Hotel.

One Heartbreaking Call

Image: News & Information

It was then that Heather had to tell Amber that her boyfriend had passed away. At first Amber couldn’t believe it, desperately asking Heather to check his breathing. However, Heather quietly confirmed she had been with him for hours and that he was gone. Jordan had been the love of Amber’s life, and was selfishly taken away far too soon.

Five Hours in Hell

Image: USA Today

Over the next five hours, Heather would sit with Jordan’s body, speaking with his mother again and making sure he was looked after. Despite his passing, for his family and girlfriend’s sake, she wanted to make sure he wasn’t alone until they were reconnected.

Rising Out of the Ashes

Image: Wall Street Journal

Even though Jordan was only one of the 59 people who died that night, Heather’s compassion and pure expression of humanity is one to admire. The people involved came together as one, helping their fellow man and acting like true heroes. We can only hope this type of love and compassion can continue to spread throughout the country in these divisive times.

Rest in Peace, Jordan.
