As your local experts in air conditioning repair and maintenance, we understand just how important it is for homeowners like you to keep their units in tip-top shape – not only for optimal performance but also for savings on energy bills. This guide provides proven methods that will help you maintain your AC unit so that it continues to run smoothly and efficiently all year round. Let’s get started!

1) Replace the filter: The first step towards keeping your AC system running well is to replace the air filters regularly. Depending on where you live and the condition of your unit, this could be as often as every month or two months, up to every three or four months. It’s a good idea to check the filter and note its condition each month so you know when it needs to be replaced.

2) Clean around the unit: Make sure that all debris and dirt are cleared away from your external AC unit at least twice a year, more frequently if needed. This helps to keep your system running smoothly and prevents buildup. We recommend scheduling professional AC maintenance in Leonard, MI at least once a year to provide further cleaning and maintenance.

3) Check hoses and seals: Look for any signs of wear or damage on the hoses and seals, such as cracking or splitting. If you notice any issues, contact an AC repair technician as soon as possible for assistance in replacing them.

4) Test drainage lines: Your air conditioning system should have a drainage line that helps to remove moisture from the air. This should be tested regularly for any blockages or clogs and cleared when necessary.

5) Inspect ducts: Check your home’s ductwork for any gaps, cracks, or holes as these can cause energy loss and reduce indoor air quality. If you find any issues, contact a professional technician to repair them for you.


6) Schedule routine maintenance: Having regular maintenance checks performed on your AC unit is an important part of keeping it running smoothly and efficiently all year round. A qualified AC service technician will inspect your system inside and out, check refrigerant levels, tighten electrical connections, lubricate moving parts, clean coils and fins, test fan motors, and more.

7) Check for any signs of leakage: Leaking into your cooling system can reduce efficiency and cause higher energy bills. Look around the unit for any signs of moisture, such as puddles or water droplets, and contact an air conditioning repair service if you suspect a leak.

8) Monitor energy usage: Regularly check your energy bills to make sure that you are not using more electricity than usual. This is a good indication that something may be wrong with your AC system and it may need some attention from a qualified technician.

9) Check thermostat settings: Your AC unit’s thermostat should be set to the right temperature and humidity level for optimal performance. Make sure it is adjusted correctly and contact a technician if you have any issues.

10) Consider an upgrade: If your AC unit is more than 10 years old, it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer and more efficient model. This can save you money in the long run and provide better cooling performance for your home. AC replacement in Rochester Hills, MI should always be handled by a qualified technician.

By following these simple maintenance hacks, you can ensure that your AC system runs smoothly and efficiently all year round in Leonard, MI. For any professional assistance with air conditioning repair or installation services, contact a professional team.

Tips To Hire A Pro

1. Check their experience: Make sure that the technician you hire is well-experienced in repairing and installing AC units.

2. Ask for references: Speak to past clients of the technician to get an idea of their work quality and customer service.

3. Get multiple estimates: Contact different technicians and ask them for quotes so you can compare prices before making a decision.

4. Read reviews: Take some time to read online reviews from customers who have worked with the technician before, as this can give you a good indication of their service quality.

5. Don’t forget about the warranty: Always ask about the warranty on any repairs or installations made by your chosen professional – this way, you know that it is covered in case of any issues.

By following these tips, you can make sure that you hire the right professional for your AC maintenance needs in Leonard, MI. This will help to keep your unit running smoothly and efficiently all year round.


