Acting School in Kolkata

We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school training should not be limited to only classrooms and lectures on theories and techniques. Therefore, at Atrix Educare we have adopted a comprehensive training method with equal importance on the practical training of film making and acting.
Believing that training and skill building are quite essential in the field of visual media, Atrix Educare, has been imparting education and training in the art & craft of film making in television presentation since 2007.
The institute was planned as an alternative to formal film schools and has since come a long way making a unique place for itself amongst the best global centers of education of its kind.
Education and training for various courses are provided by expert media practitioners supplemented by visiting guest lecturers who are leading exponents of their specialised skills in the practical craft of film & television production.
The institute is a pioneer in providing world class study material and video recordings on various techniques of films & television productions for its students and practicing film & television professionals. The Documentation Centre of the academy has produced a number of books on the art & screen presentation.
In the event that you have a fantasy from your adolescence to end up noticeably a well known performing artist or a built up display or a celebrated artist, at that point Atrix Educare has brought a decent shot for you. In this organization, which is running effectively for a long time, consistent preparing is given on move, demonstrating and acting by celebrated identities.
Barely any words about ATRIX EDUCARE :
With the assistance of the preparation given by Atrix Educare, its understudies are routinely working in both little and huge screens. Here we give weight on down to earth classes other than hypothesis classes. To work in silver screen the information of camera is exceptionally essential. In Atrix Educare, uncommon concentrate is given on camera classes. Stress is additionally given on makeover and prepping alongside this. The course charge is inside everyone’s compass. To get work underway houses, one needs to make an expert portfolio. Atrix Educare assumes the liability to make proficient arrangement of its understudies. We have our own particular setup, dress, extras, beautician, photograph altering segment, and so on. The throwing executives of various creation houses gone to the foundation to take tries out for throwing in various serials.