Hot and humid weather can be unbearable in Hemet, CA. To keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long, it’s important to maintain your air conditioner (AC) regularly. With these 10 AC maintenance tips for Hemet, CA residents, you’ll be able to ensure your AC is running efficiently and effectively. Keep reading for more information on how to make sure your AC is ready for the hot summer months ahead!

1. Change Your Filter: The first tip for keeping your home cool this summer is to change your filter every few months. A dirty filter will reduce airflow from your unit and make it run inefficiently, leading to higher energy bills and decreased comfort levels. Check the manufacturer’s instructions or consult a professional to determine the right time to change your filter.

2. Check Refrigerant Levels: Another important step in AC maintenance in Hemet, CA is to check the refrigerant levels. If they are too low, this can cause your system to run inefficiently and waste energy. Make sure you have a qualified technician check your refrigerant levels regularly.

3. Clean Your AC Coils: The condenser coils on your air conditioner can get clogged with dirt and debris over time, which prevents it from cooling properly. To keep them clean, use an approved coil cleaner or contact an HVAC technician for assistance.

4. Clear Debris From Around Your Unit: Keep the area around your AC unit free of debris and obstructions such as leaves, weeds, and branches. This will allow air to flow freely around your unit and help it to run efficiently.

5. Check Your Condensate Drain: The condensate drain on your air conditioner should be clear of any blockages or debris so that the moisture can be removed from your home properly. If you find any clogs in the drain line, contact a professional for assistance.

6. Inspect Belts & Bearings: Make sure to inspect the belts and bearings on your AC regularly for signs of wear or damage. If they are worn out, this can cause your system to work less efficiently and lead to costly repairs down the line.

7. Clean Your Air Ducts: Regularly clean the air ducts in your home to remove dirt, dust, and other debris that accumulates over time. This will help keep the air in your home free of contaminants and improve overall indoor air quality.

8. Check Thermostat Settings: Make sure your thermostat is set correctly for optimal performance from your AC system. A programmable thermostat can be a great way to ensure that you are always running your system at its most efficient settings throughout the day.

9. Get an Annual Tune-Up: An annual tune-up by an HVAC technician can help identify any potential problems with your unit before they become bigger issues that require costly repairs. During the tune-up, they will check for any loose electrical connections and ensure that all parts of your system are functioning properly.

10. Replace If Necessary: If you have an older AC unit that is not running efficiently or effectively anymore, it may be time to replace it with a newer model. Newer models come with more energy-efficient features and can save you money in the long run on both energy bills and repairs. AC replacement in Hemet, CA can be a great way to ensure that your home will stay comfortable all summer long.

By following these 10 AC maintenance tips for Hemet, CA residents, you can keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the summer months without having to worry about expensive repairs or sky-high energy bills. Make sure to contact a professional technician if you need assistance with any of these maintenance tasks to ensure that your AC is running efficiently and effectively.


Tips To Hire A Professional For AC Maintenance In Hemet, CA.

1. Check for Licensing: Make sure the technician you hire has a valid license for servicing AC units in your area. This will ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and qualifications to complete any repairs or maintenance safely and correctly.

2. Get References: Ask for references from previous customers who have worked with them in the past to get an idea of what their service is like before you commit to hiring them.

3. Read Reviews: Look up reviews online to see what other people are saying about their services, as this can help you narrow down potential candidates even further.

4. Compare Prices: Shop around and compare prices from different technicians so that you can get the best deal possible on AC maintenance services in Hemet, CA.

5. Get an Estimate: Once you have found a technician that meets all of your criteria, make sure to get an estimate for the services that they will be provided before you agree to hire them. Contact AQS Heating & Air Conditioning at (951) 487-6700 to learn more or book an appointment!

