Create a Suitcase Icon in Illustrator [Tutorial]
In this tutorial we'll be learning how to create a Suitcase Icon using Adobe Illustrator. We'll be using a mixture of shapes, effects and various techniques to create this icon. This Suitcase Icon is fantastic for travelling websites, travelling brochures or other travel related projects. Let's get started with creating this suitcase icon!
Tutorial Details
Program used: Adobe Illustrator CS5
Estimated Time: 1.5 Hours
Difficulty: Advanced
Final Result
Suitcase Body
1. Create a new document that's 600×600 pixels. Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool, draw the main Luggage shape and put in the Gradient below: 2. Draw a smaller shape with the Rounded Rectangle Tool like below and place a Stroke & Gradient onto the shape.
3. Using the Line Tool (1px) with the stroke colour (no fill) below, draw out the lines like below. Make sure to hold down the Shift Key in order to keep the lines straight.
4. Again using the Line Tool (1px) draw out the darker colour lines like below.
Suitcase Corners
5. Next using the Ellipse Tool, using the colour #0C0C0C. Draw a circle elsewhere on the canvas. Select the Rectangle Tool and draw 1 vertical and 1 horizontal shape like below over the circle (you can use any colour). While holding down the Shift Key select the 2 rectangle shapes, go into Pathfinder and click the Merge Icon to merge the 2 shapes together. 6. Next select both the merged shape and the circle and click the Minus Front icon in Pathfinder. This will create the corner shape for the suitcase.
7. Duplicate the shape, change the colour and make it smaller. Duplicate the shape again, change the colour and right click > Arrange > Bring to Front and place it over the duplicated shape. Select the 2 duplicated shapes and click on the Minus Front icon in Pathfinder. Change the leftover shape colour to #303030.
8. Select the Ellipse Tool and draw the corner circle. Put in the Gradient below:
9. Select all of the corner shape with the Selection Tool and place them on the top right corner of the suitcase.
10. Next select the corner shapes again while holding down the Shift Key this time (so you don't select the wrong shapes) and duplicate. With the duplicated layers selected, go into Object > Transform & Reflect. Put in horizontal and press ok. Place the duplicated corner on the bottom right. Duplicate the corner again and complete the rest of the corners using the reflect settings I have below.
Handle & Top Elements
9. Next using the Rounded Rectangle Tool, draw 2 shapes like below and duplicate them using the Stroke & Gradient. 10. Select shapes, right click > Arrange > Bring to Back. Place the shapes on top of the suitcase like below.
11. Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool, draw a dark grey shape for the handle. Draw another smaller shape in any colour and place it over the grey shape to get the right Handle shape. Select the 2 shapes and click on the Minus Front icon in Pathfinder. Right click the handle shape Arrange > Bring to Back and place it on the suitcase.
12. Next select the hand and go into Object > Path > Offset Path and put in the settings below. Afterwards select the Offset Path you just create and put in the Gradient below to create a nice effect.
13. Using the Zoom Tool (or CTRL +), zoom up to the handle. Select the Rectangle Tool and draw a shape like below using the Gradient.
14. Using the Ellipse Tool draw a circle. Duplicate the circle and make it smaller, you can experiment with the colour of the smaller circle. Select the 2 circles (while holding down the Shift Key), go into the Align Window and click on the 2 icons circled below to align the circles perfectly. 15. Next try out a star using the same method. To create more or less spikes, click on the up & down arrows and you draw the star to get what you're after.
16. Using the Rectangle Tool, you can draw some flags if you want. I've rotated one of the flags by selecting the shapes with the Selection Tool and rotating.
Drop Shadow
17. For the shadow, select the Ellipse Tool and draw a thin oval shape underneath the suitcase and put in the gradient below. Select the shape and go into Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur.