Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a condition that makes a person develop dry, itchy patches on their skin. Without proper eczema skincare, the condition might stick around or get worse with time. If you have atopic dermatitis or feel the condition might be developing on your skin, here are what not to eat when you have eczema.

Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk is one of those foods that have been cited as the culprits of atopic dermatitis flare-ups among children. According to experts, if you have atopic dermatitis, it is important you avoid taking cow’s milk until you have fully recovered. But it is also suggested that parents should not just eliminate dairy products from milk from children’s diet since that might make them suffer from vitamin deficiencies and many other health issues.

Parents should only consider eliminating cow’s milk when their children suffer from severe conditions of atopic dermatitis. From there, you should see your doctor for the best alternatives that will give your child the vitamins available in dairy products. The good news is that kids with mile allergy always outgrow it, so that should not be a huge challenge.

Canned Foods

There are many forms of atopic dermatitis, and if you suffer from dyshidrotic eczema, the chances are that you are sensitive to nickel. If that is the case, by eating foods that contain nickel, your symptoms will be exacerbated, such as tiny blisters that might appear on your feet or hands.

Nickel is not good for atopic dermatitis patients and can be found in foods such as legumes, wheat, chocolate, rye, oat, cocoa, etc. The problem, however, is that many manufacturers across the globe use nickel to provide canned foods. Talk to your doctor about a food diet for eczema if you are used to consuming canned foods.


In young children and babies, eggs are some of the most common triggers of atopic dermatitis exacerbation. Therefore, as a parent, if your little one is already suffering from eczema, it is important that you avoid eggs intake by reducing the amount of scrambled eggs and fried eggs in their diet. Also, you should be careful with baked products and bread that might contain some eggs.

Note that this does not have to be a long-term strategy since most kids tend to outgrow milk allergy after some time. Talk to your doctor about the best alternatives if you feel that your child will miss some vitamins by not eating eggs.


Interestingly, experts have always cited that some types of fish, such as herring and sardines, are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for fighting inflammation in the body. But since you need to know how to deal with eczema, you need to start by avoiding fish to keep the condition from getting worse.

Experts also warn that fish are some of the foods that cause allergic reactions among individuals. If you have atopic dermatitis, it is vital that you reduce or eliminate their intake. However, before you take this step, you need to know how your body reacts if you consume a given amount of fish.


Some medical experts believe that gluten is one of those foods that might make your atopic dermatitis worse. Unfortunately, gluten is available in a wide range of foods, including surprising ones such as soups, gummy candies, sauces, etc. Anyone will sensitivity will tell you almost all sorts of foods they have eaten that they feel have gluten in them.

If you feel that your condition is getting worse due to gluten, it is advisable that you stop adding it to your diet. Next time you go shopping for food; look for ones marked gluten-free, socially if you are buying packed foods. We hope this paragraph reminds you of the importance of relying on an organic remedy to eczema.


Just like citrus foods, tomatoes have the potential to irritate those suffering from atopic dermatitis. Though tomatoes might not trigger an allergic response, you need to be careful before you ingest it since they might cause eczema flare-ups in some people. If you have trouble stopping tomato consumption, make sure to get in touch with your healthcare provider for the best alternatives.


In most cases, soy allergies are linked with atopic dermatitis. Some people also believe that foods containing soy might make their condition worse. If you want to stop consuming soy, make sure to check the labels of packed foods each time you do shopping since it might show up in quite a number of them. Foods like chocolate and tea might have high levels of soy and might make your condition worse if consumed.


It is common for people with atopic dermatitis to be allergic to peanuts. Even if you can withstand the reaction, it is important that you avoid peanuts until you get better. If you have a child with allergic symptoms such as eczema and flare-ups after consuming peanut butter and peanut-containing foods, you might need to carry out some allergy testing.

The Bottom Line

If you have a loved one with atopic dermatitis, make sure to help them stop consuming the foods mentioned above. Even adults might have allergic reactions to some or all foods mentioned if they have atopic dermatitis. In that case, to keep the condition in check, they should look for the best eczema diet plan for adults until they have completely recovered from the infection. Here’s some tips on how to get some relief when the allergy gets serious.

