Individuals tend to be very selective about their healthcare providers. They talk with family and friends, search the Internet, read reviews, and take other steps to find the right provider for their needs. What factors do they consider when making this choice?

Appointment Availability

A doctor can’t help patients without seeing them. Appointment availability is quickly becoming a top concern of men and women when choosing a doctor. They appreciate online scheduling, as they can review available options to see which appointments fit their schedule. However, offer the option of calling to schedule an appointment, as people love choices. When hiring a provider for your clinic, see if they might be willing to offer appointments outside of regular business hours. Many patients appreciate having this option available to them.

Medical Insurance

One of the top things a person looks for when choosing a provider is whether they accept this individual’s medical insurance. Practices must have a page dedicated to sharing payment and insurance options. Patients focus on out-of-pocket costs to ensure they get the most value from their coverage and avoid out-of-network providers whenever possible. In addition, a frequently asked questions section regarding insurance should be created so patients can easily have the information they need to make an informed choice.

Provider Reputation

Provider reviews matter. Men and women want to know they are seeing someone who cares about their health, will answer their questions, and won’t rush them out the door. Online reviews can make or break a practice. Healthcare organizations need to have a reputation management program in place to identify potential problems early. Ask patients to post reviews online and respond to any negative reviews promptly. This shows potential patients the organization cares about what they think.

Physician Qualifications

People want to know they are getting the best care possible. To guarantee this, they evaluate a provider’s credentials and qualifications. They want to ensure the provider can offer the right treatment. Robust provider pages readily share this information. Each page should include information on the services offered and the conditions treated. In addition, share information that distinguishes each provider from others with similar qualifications. This may be awards, major successes, or the doctor’s particular approach.


While a doctor might have the proper credentials and experience, patients won’t stay with them long if they aren’t likable. They want a physician who listens to them and is attentive to their needs. Most people want a doctor they can build a long-term relationship with. They don’t want to switch providers regularly. The provider must come across as warm, confident, and trustworthy. Healthcare organizations should also share what the providers do in their spare time to help the community, such as charity work. Patients feel more comfortable with people they know, so share information about providers to build this relationship.

Healthcare providers find they are tackling new territory. They must find ways to blend personal connections with the digital age. It’s not easy to do so, as some patients prefer more face time while others like to do as much as possible electronically. However, a provider can only determine a patient’s preferred option if they come through the practice doors. Healthcare is patient-centered today, and every person in the industry must remember this. When hiring new providers, remember the above to find the right person for the facility.

