The internet has become increasingly competitive, with thousands of websites vying for the same position on search engine rankings. With so much competition, it is essential for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors in order to stand out and increase visibility online.

One way to do this is by building topical authority – that is, becoming an authoritative source on a specific topic or set of topics related to your business. Doing so can help you boost your SEO rankings on Google and other search engines, allowing more potential customers to find you online.

In this article, we will discuss how building topical authority can help improve your website’s ranking in Google and other search engines. Whether you have an in-house SEO team or plan to hire an SEO Company in India, keep on reading:

What is exactly topical authority?

A topical authority is a process of becoming a trusted source on a particular topic or set of topics related to your business. This involves researching and creating content on your chosen topics in order to demonstrate that you are well-versed in them and can be considered an authoritative resource.

When you become a trusted source on a specific topic, you will have higher chances of getting ranked higher in search engine results and gain more visibility online. Moreover, you will be able to attract a more targeted audience, as those searching for information on your chosen topics are likely to find you.

For example, if you are a real estate agent, you can become an authoritative source on topics related to real estate and home buying. You can create content such as blog posts, infographics, and videos on topics like “how to buy a house” or “real estate investment tips”.

This will show Google and other search engines that you are an expert in the real estate field and so, your content is more likely to show up in the top search results.

How to build your topical authority?

You can take help from a digital marketing company in India or follow these quick tips to build your topical authority:

Post high-quality and well-researched content consistently:

Post blogs, videos, and other types of content that are well-researched and provide valuable information to your readers. This will show Google and other search engines that you are a reliable source of information and your content is worth ranking higher in SERPs.

Optimize your content for SEO:

Optimize your content using the right keywords and phrases to be found by search engine crawlers easily. Make sure to use SEO best practices such as meta descriptions, image alt tags, and keyword density to ensure that your content is optimized for search engine rankings.

Link out to trusted sources:

Link out to other websites and resources that are related to your chosen topics. This will demonstrate that you have done thorough research on the subject matter and help you gain the trust of your readers.

Collaborate with other experts:

Collaborate with influencers and other experts in the same field to create content that is more valuable and useful. Having multiple voices on your content can help you gain an edge and both can benefit from this collaboration.

By following the tips mentioned above, you can slowly build your topical authority and increase your website’s search engine rankings. Doing so will help you get more visibility online and increase your chances of acquiring more customers. An SEO agency in India can help you with this process and ensure that your content is optimized for the best results.

Benefits of building topical authority:

Improved visibility:

When your content is ranked higher in search engine results, you will have better visibility online. This can help you attract more potential customers and increase traffic to your website. Moreover, over a period of time, as the domain authority becomes higher, it will help you outrank your competition and become an industry leader.

Increased trust among customers:

Once you are considered an authoritative source on the topics related to your business, you will be trusted by customers more. This is because they can trust that the information provided by you is accurate and reliable.

Higher conversion rates:

Having an authoritative presence in your industry can help you gain more conversions as customers will have higher trust in your services. You can expect higher conversions when users see that your website is ranked higher in SERPs and you are considered a trustworthy source in the industry.

Ultimately more business:

As you have higher visibility online and customers trust your services, you will be able to acquire more business. This can help in improving the overall performance of your business and increasing profits.

Best practices to build topical authority:

Build an effective SEO strategy:

An SEO strategy should be implemented to ensure that your content is optimized for search engine rankings. This will help you get more visibility online and attract potential customers.

Moreover, keep track of the latest trends and news related to your business.

You can also work with an SEO agency in India to build the most robust SEO strategy that will accelerate your online authority. In addition, you should focus on optimizing your overall website for SEO as well.

Stay consistent:

Consistency is key when it comes to building an authoritative presence online. Make sure to post content regularly and you should also respond fast when customers comment or provide feedback on your content.

This will show that you are an expert in the field and have a deep understanding of the topics related to your business. However, ensure that the quality of the content you produce is high. Posting low-quality content regularly can be detrimental to your efforts as it will make customers lose trust in your services.

Engage with other niche experts:

Engaging with influencers, industry leaders, and other niche experts in the same field will help you gain an edge over your competition. Collaborating with other experts can also help in creating content that is more valuable and useful.

Moreover, it will help you get an insight into the trends that are popular in your industry and how to optimize your content for the best results. Having multiple voices on your content can help you gain an edge and both can benefit from this collaboration.

More transparency in content and facts:

When creating content, make sure that you provide facts and statistics that are accurate. This will help customers trust your website more. Additionally, being transparent about the content you create will help customers gain more trust in your services.

Google and other search engines emphasize providing the most accurate and relevant content to customers. So, it is essential to keep your content updated with facts that are 100% true.

Wrapping up!

Building topical authority is a crucial part of SEO and can have great rewards. With the right strategies and help from a digital marketing company in India, you can build your topical authority and boost your search engine rankings. This will help increase your visibility online, attract more customers, and ultimately boost your business revenues. Start building your topical authority today as it can take some time to see the desired results.

