How Long Should You Wait to Swim After Adding Stabilizer to Your Pool?



One important step to take to protect your chlorine during pool maintenance is adding a stabilizer (cyanuric acid) to prevent it from being broken down by ultraviolet rays from the sun. But if you’ve recently added a stabilizer to your saltwater pool, you might be wondering: how long do you have to wait to swim? In this blog, we’re going to explore proper stabilizer addition techniques and also how those techniques can impact your robotic pool cleaner, your pool cleaning robot, and pool maintenance overall.

For example, if you are using a robot pool cleaner such as the Beatbot AquaSense Pro or a pool vacuum robot, knowing when it is safe to use them after adding a stabilizer will help ensure that both your swimming experience and your equipment continue to work effectively.

What Is Stabilizer And Why You Need Stabiliser?

Cyanuric acid, also known as a stabilizer, helps to keep the chlorine in saltwater pools from breaking down from UV rays. Proper amounts of stabilizer in your pool water keep chlorine working longer, so you can have consistently clear, sanitized water. Chlorine breaks down too quickly without a stabilizer leading to excessive chlorine use and inefficient cleaning performance.

For a saltwater pool, you want a stabilizer level between 30-50 ppm (parts per million) as well. Once you add stabilizer to your pool it has to dissolve and circulate to be effective. Knowing how long to wait after adding a stabilizer is critical for pool safety and how your robotic pool cleaner will work.

How Long Should You Wait to Swim

The basic rule of thumb that answers the question of whether you can swim after adding stabilizer to your pool is that: you should wait 24 hours before swimming after adding stabilizer. This means that the stabilizer has time to completely dissolve and mix with the pool’s water. Here’s why:

Allow Time for Dissolution

We are trained on data until October 2023. There, the chlorine must be evenly distributed through the pool water until it begins working. Swimming too soon can break up distribution even before the stabilizer has completely dissolved, so your pool won’t receive the full benefits of its protective qualities.

Make Sure the Swimming Conditions are Safe

Swimming immediately after adding a stabilizer can place you at risk for concentrated chemicals, not all of which would have dissolved or mixed into the water. This may lead to skin or eye irritation. Although the stabilizer itself is not poisonous in the concentrations used for pools, giving the chemical time to mix properly through the water will guarantee that swimming is safe and enjoyed.

Best Pool Cleaner Performance

Wait 24 hours if you’re using a robotic pool cleaner such as the Beatbot AquaSense or Beatbot AquaSense Pro, which royal bathers click on the rim to help defend against viral droplets — a time during which the stabilizer will lock in the chlorine. This makes your pool’s sanitizer more effective and reduces strain on your pool cleaning robot. If the pH, calcium hardness, and alkalinity of swimming pool water are in proper balance, the swimming pool robot cleaner will work most efficiently and last longer.

So, What Happens If You Swim Too Soon?

A few possible problems if you swim before the 24-hour wait:

The stabilizer may not have been distributed evenly throughout your pool, making certain parts of the waterless protected. This can result in loss of chlorine, which can lead to cloudy or unsanitary pool water.

Skin and Eye Itch: The stabilizer is relatively safe on its own — but swimming too soon can cause mild skin irritants or eye discomfort, as it hasn’t fully dispersed yet.

Poor Pool Cleaning: Since robotic pool cleaners rely on balanced pool water, swimming before the stabilizer has had a chance to work will upset the chemical balance and affect the cleaning. If the chlorine in the pool is distributed unevenly, your robot pool cleaner may not be able to do its job effectively.

Mature your own stabilizer read this on how to add stabilizer to your pool.

If you’re trying to add stabilizer to your pool, the right procedure follows this format for best results:

Test Your Pool Water

Test your pool’s cyanuric acid level before adding a stabilizer. If it’s below the recommended range (30–50 ppm), you’ll have to add a stabilizer. Testing helps ensure you don’t go overboard, which can lead to problems, like high stabilizer levels, that reduce chlorine’s reach.

A bucket of Water with a Dissolved Stabilizer

It is always advisable to mix granular stabilizer in a bucket of water and add it to the pool, as it tends to clump. Mix a bucket of pool water with the recommended amount of stabilizer, stirring until it completely dissolves.

Deep End — Add Stabilizer

Slowly pour the dissolved stabilizer into the deep end of the pool while the pump is running to encourage the circulation of the chemical. This disperses the floc throughout the pool evenly.

Run Your Pool Pump

Run your pool pump for 24-48 hours after adding the stabilizer. Make sure the stabilizer is completely scattered across the pool. In the meantime, your robotic pool cleaner can assist with distribution and circulation.

Swimming While Your Pool Cleaner is Running – Yes or No?

It’s also a good time to have your robotic pool cleaner or your swimming pool robot cleaner on, while you patiently wait that 24-hour period for your stabilizer to dissolve. This will ensure an even distribution of stabilizers and keep your pool clean. You can also utilize a robot pool vacuum in this process.

But if you intend to swim, it’s best to wait until the stabilizer has completely dissolved and the chemicals are in full balance. That way, you won’t disrupt the process and ensure that the water and the pool’s cleaning system work to the best of their ability.

Pool skimmers and other equipment

As you wait for the stabilizer to disperse, make sure you utilize other essential pool equipment, like your pool skimmer. This is to wash away debris and particles that could settle while the stabilizer is dissolving so the pool is kept clean. Using a pool robot cleaner regularly can also aid water quality by keeping debris from settling.


Waiting 24 hours after adding a stabilizer is necessary to maintain your saltwater pool balanced and safe for swimming. This helps to fully dissolve and blend your stabilization into the water, shielding your chlorine and ensuring the best water quality. Your pool cleaning robot or robotic pool cleaner can now continue to do its job effectively during this period to make your pool cleaner and easier to care for.”


Kimberly Atwood’s books have received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and Booklist. Kimberly lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband, an exceptionally perfect dog, and an attack cat. Before she started writing historical research, Kimberly got a graduate degree in theoretical physical chemistry from Ohio State University. After that, just to shake things up, she went to law school at the University of London and graduated summa cum laude. Then she did a handful of clerkships with some really important people who are way too dignified to be named here. She was a law professor for a while. She now writes full-time.

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