Recent world events have made remote work more popular than ever before. Technology has played an important role too; the ubiquitousness of digital devices and the power of internet connectivity means we can now work collaboratively no matter where we are in the world.

Software as a Service (SaaS) has been integral to the popularization of remote work, and it continues to make the model easier and more convenient for employers and employees alike. Let’s find out more.

What is SaaS?

In years gone by, software was delivered in disk form. Users would have to install the software on their computers individually. In large organizations, this could be a time-consuming process fraught with potential issues.

With SaaS, software is instead delivered over the internet. Whether it’s an image editing suite or the best help desk software, SaaS is now the method of choice when it comes to distributing software among users.

Research has revealed that 98% of employees today want to work remotely, at least some of the time. SaaS is the key for businesses looking to implement remote working models. Find out why below.

Easily Accessible

SaaS products are based in a central cloud location that all employees can access from their own devices. This means that employees can access the tools and resources they need to perform their jobs from wherever they are, no matter if they are in the office or not.

Rather than employers having to provide laptops and devices fitted with software, they can instead allow employees to access the software they need using their own devices if doing so is more practical.

This also allows for easier collaboration. This has often been a criticism of remote working practices; detractors maintain it leaves employees isolated and unable to properly communicate with colleagues. SaaS provides greater interconnectivity, allowing for full and effective collaboration.


Efficiency is an important issue that businesses need to consider when implementing home working policies. With SaaS products, issues and bugs can be identified and addressed rapidly and rectified remotely. They reduce the need for physical IT staff; issues can be fixed quickly before they cause too much disruption.

SaaS also makes updating and upgrading software more efficient. Updates are vital when using software, they can improve functionality and, crucially, iron out any potential security issues or vulnerabilities that may leave businesses at risk.

SaaS means that, rather than having to update every employee’s version of the software in question individually, updates can instead be rolled out system-wide in one action.

Discrepancies in software versions between employees can cause bugs and glitches. In the past, this would have been difficult to address if employees were working remotely. With SaaS, businesses can be confident that all employees are using the most up-to-date software versions.


Remote work has become incredibly popular in recent years. Businesses have had to adapt to the practice quickly, especially as it is now in high demand among employees. By making software more easily accessible and more efficient, SaaS is making remote work easier for all involved.

