Go for physical activities

There is nothing that can be compared to a physical activity like a brisk walk, jogging, exercise with your favorite machine, aerobics, yoga, gym, etc. 

Next is to drink plenty of water

It’s not only sufficient to have food the entire day. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water as it is an essential nutrient for life. 

Eat breakfast like a king in the morning

Surprisingly, the maximum amount of healthy food is required in the morning. So, add as much possible of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals while you have your breakfast.

Follow a good habit

You must be aware of that good habits helps in preserving a good body and mind. Yes, absolutely right. 

Avoid junk foods and stress

Junk foods or processed foods have a very bad effect on health in long term. So, try to avoid them as much as possible. 
