Ever since January 2020, there has been turmoil. With countries after countries facing the brunt of the novel coronavirus, the entire world is unsure as to when will things finally start falling back to normal.

In order to prevent the spread of the virus that has now been declared as a global Pandemic, companies had to shut down and abide by the new rule of social distancing.

Thus, the global economy experienced a major backlash and now, 5 months into the Pandemic, companies have decided to make the decision of resuming their business operations in order to stay afloat during these unprecedented times.

That can only happen when companies know the protocol to live in this new world order. Right now, we’re going to shed some light onto a few do’s and don’ts that you can follow to set your business off to a problem-free start, amid the Pandemic.

The Do’s

  • If these hard times led you to lay off your best employees, then now is the time to make up for it. Pay them a compensation for the time they were unemployed and start-off fresh.
  • Take apt measures to cut costs by forming a financial plan that lets you know of your future financial projections. We are living in the situation of a crisis, so the best thing you can do is keep your business going, instead of focusing too much on revenue generation.
  • Since social distancing is still under practice; when you reopen your company, make sure that your employees are abiding by it. If there’s any sick employee, make sure they work remotely, with a good internet connection at their disposal such as Spectrum Internet, to ensure that every task happens in a breeze.
  • Educate your employees about the situation we’re all dealing with. Conduct a few training sessions so your employees can be aware of the measures they can take to keep themselves safe from contracting the virus while being at work.
  • Make sure to pay a visit to your old friend, the business model. Reconsider the key points in your business model to see if anyone of them needs to be revised, in light of the current situation.


  • Don’t pretend like nothing is bad and the Pandemic is over. You still need to follow the rules that your company followed before the lockdown. If temperature was checked at the entrance before the lockdown started, then apply the same measures once your business reopens, at least for some time.
  • Don’t give a shorter end to the social distancing. If your company’s offices have a closed space that is defying social distancing practice, then take measures thoughtfully. Don’t rush!
  • Don’t ignore the need for providing your employees with proper equipment that’s necessary to evade the spread of the virus. Get gloves, masks, hand sanitizers, and all other necessary protective measures. Plus, don’t forget to check that there’s always an adequate supply of protective equipment stashed away in inventory.
  • Don’t forget to monitor workplace conditions. Remember the main reason why your company had to shut itself in the first place. Once your business resumes, it is likely that your focus will shift towards operations and you might forget checking over your employees and the conditions they’re working in. So, don’t lose your focus in this situation.
  • Don’t focus on generating hefty numbers. Since you have gotten a chance to reopen your company after a lot of uncertainty, don’t let this opportunity slip by getting greedy.

Why These Unprecedented Times Stand No Chance For Errors?

The novel coronavirus has the tendency to spread at a rapid rate. This is the reason why the number of cases went from just a few hundred to 3.8 million in just the span of 4 months. Also, social distancing is not being practiced in its true sense, which has increased the rate of transmission.

Now that companies are aware of the practice of social distancing, along with the measures that can prevent the spread of the novel COVID-19, authorities are loosening up the grip on the lockdown, and companies are getting a chance to resume their business operations. This can be a breath of fresh air for companies that feared their businesses would permanently close down.

So, it’s all up to the companies now. If they are planning to reopen, then they must abide by these do’s and don’ts. Since small businesses are at most risk of experiencing a shutdown, therefore, failure to practice the abovementioned do’s and don’ts might even push them towards a permanent one.

Luckily, some small business owners are seeking guidance in this situation, so they can keep their business unhindered and their employees safe and sound. Hopefully, you are one of those.

