Do you have hard water in your San Diego home? If so, a water softener system is an excellent solution. Installing a water softener comes with numerous benefits that are worth considering and can save you money in the long run. Here are 10 of the most notable advantages of installing a water softener system in San Diego, CA:

1. Softer skin and hair – Harder water often contains higher amounts of minerals such as calcium and magnesium which can leave deposits on the skin and make it feel dry after showering or bathing. A water softener will reduce these deposits, resulting in softer skin and smoother hair.

2. Improved plumbing – The same mineral deposits that cause dryness on the skin can also build up within your pipes and reduce water flow. Installing a water softener system will help keep your pipes clean, leading to improved plumbing.

3. Reduced soap scum – Harder water requires more soap to create suds during washing, and these suds often result in higher amounts of soap scum left behind on surfaces. With softer water, you’ll need less soap and see fewer deposits of staining or fading scum in your home.

4. Lower energy bills – Harder water requires up to 25% more energy to heat than softer water does. By installing a water softener system, you can reduce your energy bills by taking advantage of the softer water’s ability to heat more quickly and efficiently.

5. Easier to clean – With hard water, cleaning and scrubbing surfaces may take more effort due to the mineral deposits and soap scum that forms on them. The softening of your water can lead to less time spent trying to remove soap scum from sinks, tubs, and other surfaces.

6. Strengthened appliances – Harder water contains more calcium and magnesium which can corrode and damage appliances with heating elements such as dishwashers, washing machines, and even coffee makers over time. Softened water reduces these levels of minerals helping to keep your appliances in working order for longer periods.

7. Improved taste – If you’ve ever tasted the difference between softened and unsoftened water, then you understand how much of an improvement softened water can provide. The removal of minerals from your water results in a cleaner and fresher-tasting product that is more pleasant to drink.

8. Easier laundry – Harder water contains higher amounts of calcium and magnesium which act as fillers during the washing process and make it harder for the detergent to do its job. With softer water, you’ll be able to get your clothes cleaner with less soap used in each wash cycle.

9. Longer lasting fixtures – Mineral deposits can build up around faucets and other fixtures over time causing them to corrode or crack due to scale buildup. Softened water does not contain these minerals, so there is less of a chance that these fixtures will be replaced as often. When it comes to hiring a plumbing repair in Mira Mesa, CA, it is always better to be proactive and take preventative measures.

10. Cost savings – Installing a water softener system can save you money in the long run due to reduced energy costs and fewer repairs needed for appliances, piping, and fixtures. Additionally, you may find yourself using less detergent with each wash cycle which adds up to substantial cost savings over time.

Installing a water softener system provides numerous benefits that are worth considering when deciding how best to treat the hard water in your San Diego home. From improved plumbing and softer skin to cost savings and cleaner laundry, there are many advantages to having softer water running through your pipes. Make sure to do your research before choosing the right water softener system for your home, and you’ll be sure to enjoy the benefits that softened water has to offer.


Tips To Maintain Your Water Softener

1. Perform maintenance when necessary – Depending on the usage level of your water softener, it may be a good idea to perform regular maintenance every 6-12 months to ensure that all components are functioning correctly. We recommend checking and replacing filters, valves, brine tanks, and other parts as needed. Cleaning the system and replenishing the salt levels are also recommended during these maintenance periods.

2. Test the hardness of your water regularly – Testing your water’s hardness levels with a home kit or professional can help you stay aware of any changes in your system and alert you if there’s an issue with either the equipment or the incoming water supply.

3. Properly set up regeneration cycles – A water softener will regenerate its resin beads with salt when necessary. If the regeneration cycle is not properly set, it can lead to a build-up of minerals in your system and efficiency issues. Make sure you consult the manual or talk to a professional if you are unsure about what settings to use for regenerating your water softener.

4. Monitor your salt levels – To ensure that your water softener is working at optimal performance, it’s important to keep an eye on its salt levels. Properly maintaining the salt level in the brine tank allows for maximum efficiency and helps avoid any potential problems down the road.

By following these tips, you can help make sure that your water softener system runs smoothly and efficiently for many years to come. Investing in a water softener system will provide numerous benefits that can help you save time, money, and energy each month. Make sure to research which type of system is right for your home and budget so that you get the most out of your investment. Contact By The Book Plumbing at 866-441-8511 to learn more or book an appointment!


