The winters are extremely cold within the province of Alberta. This Canadian province has about 1.3 million residents. Each household in Alberta can testify how hard it is to stay warm during the long winter season. The following information will describe the real cost of keeping warm this winter. This information will also provide energy saving tips that can help Albertan residents to save money and stay warm.

Harsh Winters in the Alberta Area

The Alberta province is known for its harsh winters. Temperatures generally reach a low point of 5 to 15 degrees Celsius (23 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit). Sometimes the temperature can even fall to – 40 Celsius or – 40 Fahrenheit. Keeping a home warm in this type of climate can be expensive. Still, there are some actions that homeowners can take to save money.

Tips on Saving Energy: Get Good Rates on your Electric and Gas Utilities

Energy costs are rising in Alberta. There is no getting around this fact. Back in 2015 there was a recession. During this recession people took advantage of a payment system called floating-rate plans. This plan allowed them to take advantage of extremely low energy rates. Some of these rates fell below 3.0 cents.

However, when the economy started to improve the energy rates climbed. As a result, many people were (and still are) committed to a floating-rate plan. As the rates increase, so does their energy expenditures. Now, Albertan residents are paying higher energy rates and this price keeps climbing.

Residents must talk to their energy suppliers to lower their rates. Alberta natural gas suppliers can help some residents to get a more cost-effective plan. However, some homeowners will have to continue with their current payment arrangements. Homeowners might be able to get a discount for their service; but they should still be expected to pay for increasing electricity and gas rates.

Tips on Saving Energy: Find the Right Temperature for your Home

When you heat your home, you must find the right temperature for your environment. Normally, the Canadian government recommends that you keep your temperature around 20 – degrees Celsius or 68 – degrees Fahrenheit. This is a comfortable temperature for most people. Ideally, your temperature should range between 17 and 22-degrees Celsius or between 62 and 72-degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range is considered the most comfortable for people.

Keep in mind that each homeowner will have to adjust their temperatures accordingly. Some people will need (or want more heat) other people will want it slightly cooler. So, each person will have to figure out what temperature works best for them. Just remember that the lower your temperatures on your thermostat the more money you save on your energy bills.

Renewable Energy Solutions in Alberta

The Canadian and Alberta governments are quickly implementing renewable energy plans in Alberta. The province is expected to have a sizable part of its area connected to some type of renewable energy source. This should lower the cost of fuel in the long run. Homeowners might have to wait a while before they can see savings from alternative fueling options.

Better Energy Alternatives for Alberta Residents

Alberta energy suppliers are seriously trying to find new and different ways to provide affordable energy costs for people. They don’t want to price their fuel so high that people cannot afford to have this commodity. So, they are trying to find better energy alternatives that can help residents to save money. Green energy, grants and incentives. Solar, wind, biomass, hydro or fuel cells are also a part of the alternative energy mix being offered to homeowners.

Best Times to use Appliances

Albertan residents are encouraged to use their appliances is after 7 p.m. Any time before 7 p.m. is considered peak time. Electric companies will charge more during these times of the day. However, you can also use cheap electricity rates during the early morning hours between 3 a.m. to 6 p.m. Most people are not up during those hours.

Colder Area Energy Saving Tips

Insulate your home. Make sure that your windows and doors are properly sealed. Dress warmly, while you’re in the home to help keep your thermostat low.

Tips on Saving Money

Keep your thermostat turned down low, find competitive rates and make sure that you insulate your home. These simple tips will help you to save hundreds of dollars.

