Christmas is a great way to brighten up every part of your home. At this time, you create themes and designs that you couldn’t have done all through the previous 11 months of the year. However, your taste will affect the form your design will take and how much time you will spend putting it up as well.

For instance, if you are always the one to go modest in your ways, your designs are very likely to look simple (not plain- simple can look cool too). On the other hand, if you focus on a lot of things on an ordinary day, your Christmas designs will come with lots of light, foliage, and ornaments.

There is no perfect design. So, instead of gunning for the nebulous idea of perfection, I would ask that you go for originality with your designs.

One of the best-known ways to be unique is to leverage lights to express your Christmas statement.

Traditional or Contemporary- or both?

For a long time now, the colors red and green have taken the spotlight in the color scheme of Christmas. I guess you also must be thinking about them when planning for your festive décor. But with the appearance of metallic and nature-induced colors, I think Christmas wants you to play with some colors. It could get boring, you know…

Creating a Christmas theme with nature in the center shouldn’t be a lot of hassle. This goes beyond using a Christmas tree. Go for deer, bears, snow, snowmen, mud, and stables- and pretty much anything that can show how much you love Christmas.

Where you can’t find a real tree, buy an artificial one from the store. But be sure to get one that is sturdy and won’t look scruffy due to poor production and packaging solutions.

What ornaments should I fix into my trees?

When planning and putting up your Christmas decorations, your target should be to create a uniform idea from the wreath at the door to the mat in your bath. But how do you create this balance around your Christmas tree- one that is popular for being bugged with tons of ornaments which could make it lose its appeal.

Your color scheme should not combine too many colors except the shades of the colors that you have already picked. This will help you achieve consistency in your theme across every room in your home. Also, you should avoid using too many shiny ornaments. Many people feel that Christmas should be all glittery. I agree- but there should be some level of moderation.

Drop some lights and pick some lights

With your Christmas tree decor in place, it seems like a great setting already. But as I have noticed over the years, you can improve the look that your home carries with it by creating a better atmosphere with lights.

So, instead of going for the stark white bulbs, you can do candles and dim lighting. Be sure to shade your candles to avoid fires. you can as well go for artificial lighting with warm colors like midnight blue in the middle of your planning.

All of these help you create a welcoming look for visitors and a homey feel for you.

What options of lights can I use?

I receive this question every other Christmas, so I would love to set things right for you. There are two kinds of lights you can get for Christmas- LED bulbs and incandescent bulbs. But there are some factors you should consider when choosing them.

LED lights have a low power consumption rate. On the other hand, incandescent bulbs can get hot when in long use, hence they consume a lot of power per time. Also, while incandescent lights can be warmer in appearance, LED lights are bolder and allow you to make a more vibrant display.

Stay Safe

When purchasing the cables you intend to use, you should always go for the ones that follow safety guidelines for production. Also, you should only use buy cables that can power your power consumption need. Don’t get clouded by the fun- safety is almost as important.

