Jewelry can seem like a daunting prospect for many men, but it’s a fantastic way to level up your outfit. From simple leather cuffs to an elaborate mens diamond bracelet, the world of jewelry is endless, and there’s something for every budget. The key here is that less is more. Minimalist accessories are the perfect way to add an extra dash of style to your outfit. We recommend steering away from things like stacks of bracelets – while this can look good on some, it’s harder to pull off and not suitable for every event.

If you aren’t sure where to start, we’re going to look at some of the most common types of men’s bracelets. We’ll also discuss when and how to wear your new accessories to make the biggest impact!

1. Leather Bracelets

The most affordable (and one of the trendiest) options on this list, leather bracelets allow you to accessorize on a budget. Leather is one of the world’s most beautiful materials. The more you wear it, the more it ages, and your bracelets will begin to develop their own unique character over time. This makes leather bracelets a great option for anyone that’s looking to explore men’s Jewelry without moving too far away from rugged, masculine attire.

Leather bracelets are commonly sold in braided designs. These are simple, comfortable and stylish, and they suit most casual events and outfits.

2. Metal and Stainless Steel Bracelets

The next level up from leather is bracelets that are made of steel. Stainless steel is the most common option, but alternatives such as copper, aluminum and titanium are also popular.

Stainless steel and metal bracelets can be worn at any time. They straddle the line between casual and formal, and polished metal can easily pass for silver at a glance. If you’re interested in more upscale jewelry, but you’re working to a budget, metal bracelets are a good middle ground that allows you to explore accessories without breaking the bank.

It’s worth noting that metal bracelets are often much tougher than those made of precious metals. If you want to wear your bracelet while exercising, swimming or working, these accessories will be capable of withstanding the rough and tumble of everyday life.

3. Precious Metal Bracelets

If you’re ready to go upmarket, bracelets made of precious metals are the perfect option. For men, we recommend sticking to silver or gold, and choose the highest purity you can find. High purity metals look stunning, and the quality of the material is noticeable at a glance, making these accessories the perfect accompaniment for most casual and formal events.

Simple cuff bracelets are a good starting point, but chunkier chain link styles are also a stylish way to offset your outfit. Stick to minimal styles for formal events, and chunkier styles with more casual outfits.

4. Precious Gemstone Bracelets

Silver and gold look fantastic, but they don’t add much color to your outfit. If you’re looking for an accessory that truly functions as part of your ensemble, it’s time to look into precious gemstones. Men’s gemstone bracelets are typically made up of small beads. These provide shape and color that can be used to offset other parts of your outfit. For example, a blue sapphire bracelet could be worn with a blue shirt, but it could also be used to offset a complementary color like an orange or gold tie.

5. Diamond Bracelets

Finally, we reach the pinnacle of men’s jewelry: diamond bracelets. There’s no better way to make a statement than with diamonds. These bracelets blend simplicity with the stunning beauty of real diamonds, and they’re the perfect accompaniment to any cocktail or formal outfit. When choosing diamond bracelets it’s best to opt for a design that allows the diamonds to shine on their own. There’s no need for complex settings or large amounts of precious metals – the diamonds should be the star of the show.

When to Wear a Bracelet

Men’s bracelets are best worn on your non-dominant hand as an accessory that complements or offsets your outfit. They’re suitable for most occasions, including casual outings, parties, dinners, work events, cocktail events and formal events. Apart from matching your outfit, your bracelet should also match the tone and dress code of the event. For example, a simple silver bracelet is a great way to offset a casual outfit at a party, but men’s diamond bracelets are better suited to more formal events.

Bracelets are a fantastic accessory for almost any occasion. If you have a selection to choose from, it’s easy to pick a bracelet that matches your outfit and your plans for the day – as long as you’re careful not to overdo it.

