Are you a fleet owner in need of modernizing your business? Do you want to transform your fleet into something more powerful and connected? Unlock the power of fleet automation today.

Companies like Ridecell have developed smart IoT systems to digitize fleet operations and help everything run more efficiently and sustainably.

Using the power of automation, there’s now handy solutions to all sorts of fleet management issues you previously faced. You can take full control of the wheel and push your fleet business into new and exciting directions.

So why should you consider digitizing your fleet? Why is fleet automation so powerful? Let’s find out.

What is fleet automation?

Fleet automation is basically the use of digital technology to track, monitor, and manage your entire fleet operations.

By automating your fleet management, you can achieve effortless fleet coordination. Companies like Ridecell and Route 4 Me have developed technology that brings everything you need into an all-in-one platform. It’s all about knowing exactly what’s going on in your fleet at all times AND knowing how to efficiently respond to any issues that arise.

What benefits does fleet automation bring?

By automating your fleet, you can become more productive and cost-effective. It’s essentially a way of cutting the costs of processes and workloads that take more time than they need to.

What specific benefits does fleet automation bring?

Gain more insight data

By collecting digital data, you can gain essential insight reports into your fleet operations. All data will be unified as one ‘single source of truth’. It’s always good to identify ways of improving what you do, right?

Automate your workflow

Automation systems are ‘self-acting’ in the way they prioritize tasks, meaning the system doesn’t just report and identify issues but automatically resolves them. For example, once an engine light comes on, the system will diagnose the issue and automatically schedule the vehicle in for preventative repairs.

Improve safety and security

By using auto-lock vehicles and digital keys, you can keep your vehicles and drivers safe. You can also monitor driver behavior to help eradicate dangerous and risky driving habits.

Gain control of fuel consumption

Fuel is one of the biggest costs of any fleet business. Automation systems can help monitor your fuel consumption by identifying patterns and suggesting ways that employees can drive more economically.

You can also eradicate driver fuel fraud – a common issue that can cost fleet business owners thousands each year. It’s a way of always keeping an eye on how much fuel is being purchased, for what vehicle, and by which driver.

Have your precious time back

Automation covers everything, including time-consuming administrative tasks like job coordination, supply and order management, and employee payments. These kinds of manual tasks can be taken out of your hand and instead, you can have some precious time back to do the important managerial jobs that matter most.

All types of fleet businesses can automate

Automation services fit every type of fleet and size – motorpool, rental fleets, shared fleets, and even security fleets.

