Cloud computing is not just for the technical world anymore. Today, you will hear non-technical people refer to it like it’s a part of their daily conversation.

The Cloud Computing concept is certainly not new. The cloud has been there as early as 1955, but it only resurfaced when the era of mobile phones began. Consumers, armed with their own mobile phones got used to having their applications wherever, whenever.

It’s really no surprise that the cloud has ingrained itself in our daily lives. The technology and devices we have now are purposely built for ubiquity. Omnipresence is not just about technology, but a way of living.

Reasons to Migrate to the Cloud

Not all websites have the same goals. Like thumb marks, each website has its own unique purpose. That is fact, and you shouldn’t let the hype get to you. However, choosing to migrate to the cloud needs careful thought. If you think you need to migrate because of these reasons, then by all means!

So, start reading this article to figure out if you need cloud hosting for your site.

1. When You Don’t Want to Manage Your Own Physical Servers

In a cloud environment, your servers are virtual. You don’t need to think about other hardware because you don’t need to. That is the hosting provider’s responsibility. Running a business hard as it is, maintaining a farm of servers just adds to the challenges. In a cloud setup, you will only care about getting what you need from the amount that you are willing to pay, and how to run your business. If this is you, then you’ve ticked off one in this list.

2. Flexibility, Scalability at Lightning Speed

Scalability and flexibility is the reason for the cloud’s being. This is perhaps one of the strongest points of cloud computing. This type of hosting offers that same advantage to businesses who have a high confidence in their online activities within their website. In truth, it is difficult to predict the traffic that might come into your website. It’s really a hit and miss action. Because of this, it’s hard to move things in an instant just so you can meet the sudden changes in your website, which is why typical cloud server hosts offer highly scalable setups with around-the-clock supports, in case you see a change in your activity level, which requires immediate addressing.

3. When Business Continuity and Redundancy is a Mission-critical Part of Your Culture

It’s hard to imagine companies with no business continuity and redundancy policies. It’s practically putting your business at risk, with one minute of downtime potentially costing you up to $7,900 (!). A cloud server setup always has a failover action, where instances such as downtime is non-existent because activities will just jump to the other servers as a default to keep things running. If this is a part of your culture, therefore you have a policy on it, then a cloud server hosting will keep you at peace.

4. When you Want a Flexible Pricing Model

 In a cloud setup, you don’t need to worry about buying excess or too little because you only pay for what you use. This is a cost-effective model, especially for small businesses who have limited budgets. 

5. When you are Ready for Change

When cloud started, many opposed it. However, proof of concept came out, and IT folks had to give in. To date, there are still those who have not fully gone over to the cloud citing difficulties in migration, lacking in skills set and the lot. In truth, cloud computing was a revolution that stepped on a lot of technologies that were working fine but becoming more expensive in the long run.

However, moving in to the cloud takes some careful assessment and planning on your side as well. When you are ready to take the plunge, you are armed with your justifications and not just get caught up in the hype.

