29 Cringe Worthy Misspelled Tattoos
Sometimes getting a tattoo isn’t so cool, especially if you haven’t thought it through! These misspelled tattoo ideas will be sure to make you cringe! Who knew it would be so difficult to spell in this day and age!?
After you see these tattoos you have to wonder, are people getting more dumber? From some hilarious mistakes like Scool instead of School, a painful error like angle instead of angel, super bowel instead of super bowl and the always misspelled – your instead of you’re!
If you’re planning to get a typography based tattoo, make sure to stay away from these blunders!
4. Ouch.
5. SOOOOO Awsome.
6. This is what Bieber fever does to you.
7. Of course not.
8. So close, but …
9. You say tommorrow, I say tomorrow.
10. Dad’s what?
11. Will do.
13. Then your wounds what?
14. Please, be live.
15. I don’t think that’s what you meant.
18. Familey first.
19. Or, you know, “familly†first.
20. Tru.
24. WAHTEVER happens.
25. Whatever you say.
26. And neither is spell check.
28. And always:
via buzzfeed