In today’s tech-driven world, your company website is essential in playing a huge part in your business success. Companies that operate within the construction industry are no exception. Before customers hire you for your services, the likelihood is that most of them will research everything about your business online to decide if you are a reputable company to trust. Carefully crafting and designing your construction business website will put you in a much stronger position to win sales and conversions.

By showcasing your services to your audience, your website acts as an avenue for you to communicate to your prospects and customers in much the same way as a shop would do. You can use it to project the messaging of your brand and post some of your successful projects. All this in addition to listing your services and providing all other important information about your business such as contact details.

Here are some website design tips and tricks to help you out:

Emphasize your credibility

One major issue construction companies face from their clients is skepticism. This is because most customers don’t fully understand the work that needs doing and have often experienced some form of construction mishap in the past. One way to reassure people you can be trusted is to display your credibility on your website.

Showing your credibility can be done in a number of ways. You can state any achievements or accreditations on the home page of your website or share positive feedback and testimonials from past and present customers. Be open and transparent with your pricing. When it comes to pricing, be clear on your pricing strategy and where this positions you in relation to the wider market. Understanding exactly how to calculate your profit margin will put you in a much stronger position than your competitors if you can achieve your target margins for each job.

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of any tools that your construction company uses. Clients are drawn to companies that use the latest software as it usually has the effect of making them come across as more professional. If you use business management software like Jobber for example, explore how it can work harder for you in ways such as a 24/7 self-serve client hub that can be integrated with your website where clients can request work, confirm appointment details and pay invoices in their own time.

Improve your site’s loading speed

Even if your site’s loading speed doesn’t technically refer to the visual appeal of your website, it still plays an important role in the overall performance of your website and its visibility in the search engine results pages. Research shows that one in four visitors will leave a website if it takes more than four seconds to load. (1)


In order to improve your website’s loading speed, you can hire a professional to check your site’s health from a technical perspective. Their main role will be to ensure each page loads quickly and enhances user experience.

Simplify your navigation

Did you know that more than 90% of consumers are more comfortable visiting a website that’s easy to navigate? This means easy-to-use navigation is a must. Before you start building your website, meet with a design team to work out what the essential things are to display on your website and how it should be structured for optimal experience. (2)

Use high-quality photography

High-quality photography on your website will really help to make your business stand out and be visually appealing to visitors. Research suggests that 60% of prospects are more likely to get in touch with you if your website has good visual imagery. (3)

There are many ways to use photographs on your website. For one, you can have a before and after of a successful project. You can even add a collage of projects you’ve completed. Just note that images can slow down your website’s loading speed. Be sure to optimize them so that the file sizes are not too big.


With these four tips, you can keep your construction website one step ahead of your competitors with all the potential customers you’ll be attracting. If you feel that designing a website is too technical for you or you feel overwhelmed with all this information, you can always hire an expert to do the job for you. This way, you can make sure that your website is always up-to-date with the latest construction website design trends.


  1. “Website Load Time Statistics: Why Speed Matters in 2022”, Source:
  2. “94% of Consumers Say Your Website Must Be Easy to Navigate”, Source:
  3. “6 Powerful Reasons Why you Should include Images in your Marketing – Infographic”, Source:

