If you want to grow your small business, having an online presence is imperative. A well-designed website should be the cornerstone of your online marketing strategy. Data from a recent study shows that a modern consumer will develop an opinion about a new website in as little as seven seconds. If you are in need of a new website, then you need to take the design process seriously.

The main thing you need to bring your ideas to life is a knowledgeable web designer. Once you have the right designer in place, you will have to start making decisions regarding the look and feel of your website. Here are some web design dos and don’ts to keep in mind during this process.

Do Develop Easy-To-Use Navigation

An easy-to-navigate website is usually popular with consumers according to Redesign. Over-complicating your navigational system with an endless array of dropdown or sidebar menus is a horrible idea. Not only will these elements confuse visitors to your website, they can also make them leave your domain in a hurry. This is why you need to work on developing a navigational system that is both intuitive and simple to operate.

If you want to improve your website’s navigation, consider doing things like:

· Include navigation options in your website’s footer

· Provide clear navigational labels

· Implement top-level navigational elements

· Shorten the amount of time it takes for users to get to their target destination

By implementing these tips, you can improve your website’s navigational system.

Don’t Make Users Wait For Content To Load

As you start to develop a new website, you need to be mindful of how important fast load times are. Most website visitors will only wait a few seconds for content to load. If it takes a long time to load certain content, these visitors will leave your website and seek out the help of a competitor. Rather than losing valuable sales leads, you need to find ways to improve website loading speeds.

Things like large image file sizes and coding errors can cause significant loading issues. If you want to resolve these issues, then you need to get assistance from your web developer. These professionals will be able to test and fix any problems causing your website to slow down.

Do Make Sure Your Website is Responsive

If you want your new website appeal to the masses, then you need to consider how people will interact with it. An overwhelming number of people use their phones to search the Internet. When these mobile users land on your website, you want them to be able to view your content and photos without resizing them. The only way to make your website easy to view for these mobile users is by making it responsive.

With a responsive website, you can provide top-notch content to your website visitors regardless of the size of their screen. An experienced custom web maintenance agency should have no problem helping you implement a responsive website design.


Don’t Use a Cluttered Page Design

Another mistake you need to avoid when designing your website is introducing clutter into your page design. If the pages on your website are cluttered, they may scare potential customers away. This is why you need to use a minimal approach when laying out your pages. By reducing the amount of clutter, you can make it easier for visitors to find the information they need in a hurry.

As you can see, there are a number of things you need to do to create an appealing website. By using the information in this article, you can make your new website popular with consumers.

