WordPress is the easiest way to create a website. It’s user-friendly, and you don’t need any coding knowledge to get started. But, just because it’s easy to use, doesn’t mean there aren’t potential problems. In fact, there are several common SEO issues in WordPress that can trip up even the most experienced user.

The good news is that most of these issues are easy to fix once you know what they are. In this article, EZ Rankings – one of the best WordPress Development Company in India will show you 5 common SEO problems in WordPress and how to fix them.

Why is fixing WordPress issues important for SEO?

WordPress is a great platform for SEO, but it’s not perfect. If you want your website to rank well in search engines, you need to make sure that there aren’t any technical problems that could be holding it back.

Google and other search engines also pay a lot of attention to user experience. If your website is hard to use or takes a long time to load, it will negatively impact your SEO. That’s why it’s important to fix any WordPress issues that you come across. On this note, let’s look at the 5 most common SEO issues and ways to fix them.

1. Not Using a Static Homepage

Your homepage is the most important page on your website. It’s the first thing visitors see when they come to your site, and it should give them a good idea of what your site is all about.

If you’re not using a static homepage, then your latest blog posts will be showcased on your homepage instead. This can be confusing for visitors, and it doesn’t give you the chance to make a good first impression.

To fix this, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Settings » Reading. Then, under “Your homepage displays”, select the “A static page (select below)” option and choose the pages you want to use as your homepage and blog page.

2. Not Using Categories and Tags

Categories and tags help WordPress organize your content. They also give you an opportunity to use keywords to improve your SEO. If you’re not using categories and tags, then your content will be more difficult for both visitors and search engines to find. To fix this, go to Posts » Categories and add some categories. Then, go to Posts » Tags and add some tags.

3. Not Optimizing Your Images

Images are an important part of any website. They can help break up the text, and they can make your content more visually appealing. But, they can also help you rank higher in Google image search results.

To optimize your images for SEO, you need to use keyword-rich file names and alt text. You should also make sure that your images are the right size. If they’re too large, they will slow down your website.

4. Not Creating Internal Links

Internal links are links that point from one page on your website to another page on your website. They’re important for two reasons. First, they help visitors navigate your website. Second, they allow search engines to crawl and index your website.

If you’re not using internal links, then you’re missing out on an opportunity to improve your SEO.

To fix this, simply add links to your content when it’s relevant. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about WordPress themes, you could link to a post about the best WordPress themes.

5. Not Using Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website traffic. It can show you where your visitors are coming from, what they’re doing on your site, and how long they’re staying.

This information is important because it can help you understand what’s working and what isn’t. It can also help you make decisions about where to focus your time and energy. If you’re not using Google Analytics, then you’re missing out on valuable data that could help you improve your website. To set up Google Analytics, sign up for a free account and then follow their instructions to add the tracking code to your WordPress site.

If you face major issues, contact a professional:

While the issues mentioned above are common, they’re also relatively easy to fix. However, if you’re still having trouble getting your WordPress site to rank high on Google, then it might be time to contact a professional.

A professional will save you a lot of time and energy, and they can help you avoid making costly mistakes. They can also offer additional services, such as link building and content marketing. If you’re serious about improving your WordPress SEO, then we recommend hiring an experienced SEO consultant or agency.

Wrapping up!

These are the most common SEO issues we see with WordPress websites. If you’re having trouble getting your site to rank high on Google, then we recommend checking for these issues and fixing them.

