Expanding your company entails mastering the art of earning and judiciously spending money. It’s common to be enticed by sophisticated, well-advertised software that promises to save time and hasten growth. However, this is often not the reality, and you might find yourself investing in unnecessary software that depletes your financial resources.

Conversely, some technologies have been proven to aid most growing businesses. Properly configured and implemented, these tools can enhance operations, boost productivity, and assist in revenue generation. Spending on the right technology is not a futile expenditure. Nevertheless, the sheer variety of options can make it difficult to determine which tools are essential and which serve as distractions.


Many marketing professionals primarily consider written material when it comes to content creation. However, the significance of incorporating visuals, particularly for blog posts, cannot be overstated. Not only do images enhance the readability of content, but they also boost its search engine rankings, like on Google.

Additionally, content enriched with images tends to get more online shares. With a graphic design tool such as Canva, creating professional-grade infographics, logos, presentations, and much more becomes easy, even without being a skilled graphic designer.


HubSpot functions as an all-inclusive CRM platform. It integrates essential software and tools for a holistic approach to sales, marketing, content management, and customer service. It acts as a single platform for these critical business functions.

You may wonder, why go HubSpot? For ad tracking, HubSpot offers a system that seamlessly converts your ongoing campaign conversions into contacts in your HubSpot account. This feature enables efficient audience building, ad launching, and report generation for your campaigns.

Content Management System

The foundation of an inbound marketing approach is the generation and online dissemination of superior content. The implementation of a content management system not only streamlines the creation, storage, and handling of your majority marketing material but also results in substantial time and financial savings. Without this tool, you’d either need to engage a web developer for any website alterations or possess a robust understanding of HTML and CSS.

As an open-source content management system, WordPress is now utilized by over 40% of all internet websites, including Plezi! It offers flexibility, a user-friendly control panel, and the capacity to greatly enhance its essential functionalities with a myriad of both complementary and premium plugins.


It goes without saying that the internet is not devoid of malicious elements, thus, the significance of robust internet security cannot be understated when it concerns your business. NordVPN stands as our preferred virtual private network (VPN) service, enabling a secure connection to the internet.

It establishes an encrypted “tunnel” across the internet to safeguard the data being transferred between you and your online destination, be it your online banking account, a video-sharing platform, or a search engine.

Sales Intelligence Tools

Sales intelligence tools are expressly designed for unearthing and providing insights into your potential customers. The varieties of these tools are broad, reflecting the diverse needs of each industry. The days of using a Rolodex or a simple CRM containing just the company’s name, phone number, and contact person are in the past. Today, we’re delving into large datasets to find purchase indicators and we rely on these tools to tell us the most opportune time to engage with potential clients.


There’s an abundance of tools available to expand your business, but there’s no necessity to utilize them all; it’s more beneficial if you don’t. Rather, select only those that are most effective for your particular business and enhance efficiency by automating tasks or making them more streamlined.

