An international SEO agency is a great choice for International link building campaigns. However, you might not be sure of the impact its benefits will have on your business.

Continue reading to discover the many reasons you should hire an international SEO agency.

International SEO agency: Efficient consulting through open dialogue with the client

First, there are a number of questions to answer and data to analyze

Depending on your company’s individual situation, we, as an international SEO company, also consider many other aspects right at the beginning of the international SEO consultation because we have to understand your International link building needs comprehensively. This is the only way we can guarantee good consulting services. This only works together with you and in an open dialogue. In addition to a multitude of questions to be answered, there is also a great deal of data to analyze. Only then does it become clear where your international SEO journey is going and what material and time expenditure you have to reckon with.

The basis: An International link building strategy

Just as the World Wide Web spans the entire globe, its users are also scattered around the world. Not only are the languages, cultures, and customs of the global Internet audience different, but also their search behavior. So, if you want to expand beyond your established home market into international target markets, you should first think about an International link building strategy. Because one thing is clear: For good business in international e-commerce, it is essential that you find the best possible access to your potential target groups and their search habits. So, first of all, you need to establish good visibility of your website in the target countries. You should then gradually increase it.

Technology & content are crucial in international SEO

Being found online via organic search in the search engines used by the target audience is the indispensable success factor for your company in international SEO. Above all, international SEO is more cost-effective for you than pure international advertising. Because it often has a more lasting effect than a pure SEA ad campaign. But the content on your international website must also be right. Because not every topic that works well in one’s own home market is also relevant in the different target countries.

All in all, this means: An International link building strategy is based on two pillars. On the one hand, a differentiated package of technical and content-related search engine optimization measures. On the other hand, a well-thought-out approach in content marketing. Here at OutreachBee, our claim as an international SEO agency is to ensure that both work locally and globally in each target market.

5 reasons to hire an international SEO firm

#1. You can expand your reach with the help of an international SEO agency

You are doing a lot of great business in your country. A good business is never content with its achievements. After you have closed one market, it is time to expand.

Non-English-speaking countries are some of the most rapidly growing markets. Moreover, these markets are a great place to grow long-term.

#2. Enjoy international SEO the right way

International SEO goes beyond just translating your content using Google Translate. Your content must be translated correctly, include well-researched keywords from different regions, and be able to perform on different platforms.

#3. Save time and money

It is very expensive and difficult to manage an international SEO campaign with all the details involved.

You can work with a company for SEO management. This will allow you to pay a fair price. When everything is taken care of by your SEO partner company, you don’t need to hire large numbers of people.

#4. Get quality assurance

You can trust that a large international SEO company will know what they’re doing and be able to provide the best possible SEO for your company.

You need to have a lot of knowledge in order to be successful anywhere you go. You know that you can rely on the expertise of professionals when you work with companies with global reach.

In addition, collaborating with a consultant with an agency for Magento SEO services, for instance, could aid you in optimizing your time and finances.

#5. Benefit from global expertise

International SEO Service can help you if you require different types of SEO content for a variety of different topics on an ongoing basis.

Search engine optimization companies around the world will likely have writers and staff from other countries who can help you create diverse content.

Let’s suppose you own a travel website and produce content about destinations around the globe. The international SEO company you hired could find writers in the areas you need and create unique content.


All in all, you will discover many benefits to hiring an international SEO company.

Are you looking for campaign management company that will help your business grow and thrive? Do you need a talented team to handle your international SEO efforts? Outreach Bee can help you. Their campaign managers handle everything, from finding great guest posting opportunities, to writing and publishing high quality articles with your links in them.

