There are billions of websites on the internet, the one billion figure was crossed as long ago as2014. While SEO is going to play an important role in your site being discovered, specific design features are what will make the difference between a curious visitor and a new customer.

You must incorporate the following 7 web design features into your site; if you’re hoping to attract customers:


  • State Your Aim


You may not want a consumer to know everything when they arrive on your home page, but they do need to know exactly what you are intending to offer them.

For example, if you’re a pest control company in Sydney then the top of your page should declare this and the range of pests you deal with.

Instantly a potential customer knows whether you will be of any service to them and what to expect; they can then click through to the relevant page to find out more information.


  • Video Links


If you’re serious about your site you need a video. It doesn’t have to display instantly as this will slow down the page loading. But, a link should be there, with a still picture that allows the visitor to check out the video if they want to.

How to do something, or how you operate are very effective videos.


  • Social Media Links


Social media is all-powerful; it is estimated that 2.77 billion people use social media. Your website needs to be linked to several social media accounts, allowing people to like your business and to share it.

Social media will increase the number of people who are aware of your website.


  • Mobile Ready


There are now more mobile internet users than those that access it from their desktop. You need to ensure that your website is configured to match the device it is being displayed on, specifically mobile devices.

Getting this right is essential to your future success.


  • The Design


A feature which is often overlooked is the actual design of your web page. The graphics and content say a lot about what your business offers; you need to get help, for example utilizing SEO by Quikclicks will ensure you have the right configuration to be found by the search engines and the best marketing campaign to ensure everyone knows who you are.


  • Images


It is very important to present images on your site that relate personally to your customers. Any business can add a stock image, but, if you take pictures that show your products being used by your customers; you’ll connect with your customers on a personal level.

This won’t just encourage them to buy from you; it will also help to establish brand loyalty, which means they’ll keep returning to you.


  • Fonts & Styles


It can be tempting to get carried away with all the different fonts and styles on offer. However, you must remember that a visitor will want to browse your page quickly and this means using a format that is easy to read.

The average customer will stay on your site for just 8 seconds unless you give them a good reason to stay longer. Make this task easier by designing your site to be easy on the eye.

