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**Content Warning: This article discusses bullying and various forms of abuse. If you have experienced abuse, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) for help, support, and resources.**

When people hear the word “bullying,” they think of children getting picked on the school playground. But bullies come in all ages, and adult bullying is far more common than you might think. In fact, you probably encounter or witness adult bullying frequently, but just call it a different term.

In this article, you will learn all about adult bullying, including the forms it takes and why it is so pervasive. After reading, if you want some general advice on how to handle bullying, you can find information and resources at the link below:

What Is Adult Bullying?

Adult bullying is any physical, verbal, or mental action that aims to harm, demean, or control another adult. Although everyone acts like a jerk from time to time, bullying is consistent harmful behavior.

Many people would like to believe that once someone reaches adulthood, they will grow up and leave their bullying past behind. Sadly, this is not always the case. The truth is that adult bullying is prevalent, but we tend to give it different names, such as “abuse.”

There are many reasons why someone might be an adult bully. For example, they may have never learned healthier ways to connect with people or assert their wants and needs and believe that threats and control are the only ways to get what they want in life. Furthermore, some people feel that bullying is the best way to feel powerful and in control and don’t consider the harm they cause others in the process.

In some cases, adults remain bullies because they don’t know how else to act. They may have come from an abusive home where bullying behavior was normal and even glorified. This, unfortunately, keeps the cycle going, encouraging bullying behavior to continue in the next generation.

The Many Forms Of Adult Bullying

Adult bullying takes many forms and is given many names. Many people don’t consider these behaviors bullying because the other terms imply that the action belongs in a different category. However, all of these actions are bullying and even considered abuse. Read on to learn about some of the forms that adult bullying takes.

Physical Abuse

Any physical violence or abuse is bullying. Though many people consider physical abuse primarily an issue of domestic violence, the fact is that physical abuse can happen anywhere. For example, fights, scuffles at work, or any other attack on another person is physical abuse.


More people are standing up to harassment than ever before, but that doesn’t mean it still isn’t a major problem for society. Harassment is a form of bullying that makes someone uncomfortable or distressed. It most commonly is used to target specific groups, such as women or racial minorities, but can affect anyone for any reason.

Harassment can be discriminatory or be a gateway to more dangerous behavior such as sexual harassment and physical abuse. Bullies who use harassment typically have more power than their target and will use it to make the person feel uncomfortable or control them.


Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs online. This is a form of bullying that has primarily been associated with children and teens but is common amongst all age groups online. Any form of threat, harassment, or harmful behavior online (including threatening messages or online stalking) is cyberbullying. Unfortunately, due to the anonymous nature of the internet, it is all too easy for this behavior to spread like wildfire.

Passive Aggressive Behavior

Passive-aggressive behavior is widespread, but few people consider it a form of bullying. However, it is often used to control others and help the bullies get what they want, albeit in a manner that is not always direct or straightforward. This form of behavior is intended to harm others emotionally and therefore is a form of bullying. The reason it is rarely seen as bullying is that it is not as obvious as the other forms mentioned and requires more cunning and subtlety to execute.

Why Is Adult Bullying So Pervasive?

The primary reason adult bullying is so pervasive is that many people don’t see their behaviors as abusive or bullying. Instead, when they hear the term “bullying,” they envision the textbook example of a large bully beating up a smaller child on the playground. However, bullying and abuse take many forms, including mental and verbal behaviors.

Furthermore, there are few repercussions to harmful behavior in the adult world. There is a mentality that the only behavior that should be corrected or disciplined is behavior that causes physical harm or damage. In many workplaces, this behavior is only dealt with when it threatens the company’s public image.

Certain forms of bullying are also not perceived as harmful or problematic. For example, many people will stand up against physical abuse but may dismiss passive-aggressive behavior or emotional abuse as “not as bad.” Therefore, it may be years or decades before these types of bullies face any repercussions for their actions.

Finally, many adult bullies are people in power, making it far more challenging to hold them accountable. Moreover, even if people stand up against them, the bullies usually have access to money and power to prevent any real harm from coming to their image.

Final Thoughts

Adult bullying is a serious issue that more people should be aware of. However, since bullying is primarily seen as a children’s problem, little is done to correct this behavior. Hopefully, this article gave you a good introduction to bullying so you can be more aware of it in your own life.

