The Protein Bar Market

Image: The Cheat Sheet

If you’re someone who’s on a mission to lose weight, build muscle and improve your health, then you’ve probably eaten a protein bar at some point in your life. Did you like the taste?

Yeah, we didn’t think so.

Nowadays, it seems what’s marketed as healthy is either packed with too much sugar or tastes like an old shoe.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way?

Nutritious But Not Delicious

Image: YouTube

Protein bars definitely have their place in terms of refueling you after a workout. The problem is they simply don’t taste very good and the ones that usually boost flavor contain way too much sugar.

But why does it have to be one way or the other? Couldn’t you enjoy great taste without having to give up the nutrition?

Well, one man decided to do just that and take matters into his own hands.

Creating Your Own Destiny

Image: Neoh

As an avid fitness lover who grew up playing soccer, Manuel would always crave something sweet to refuel with after a game. Unfortunately, candy bars were way too high in calories, sugar and fat, while the protein bars on the market left much to be desired in terms of taste.

Realizing there had to be a better way, Manuel set out to solve the problem on his own.

A Mission of Health

Image: Medibank

Manuel knew he had to make sure that he targeted the main problems in today’s modern diet: sugar, carbohydrates, and fat. The truth is we all eat way too much of all three. The solution would have to be a bar that provided the right balance of nutrients without sacrificing flavor.

Thankfully, Manuel had the determination and drive to solve the problem.

The Protein Bar Problem

Image: Legal Beagle

Protein was another important component that Manuel needed to take into consideration. In order for a bar to be effective in refueling the body and promotion of muscle growth, it needed a healthy dose of protein. Unfortunately, the protein bars on the market fell into two camps: tasteless and healthy or tasty and unhealthy.

Why couldn’t one bar be the best of both worlds?

There Has To Be A Better Way

Image: Neoh

After researching the market, Manuel decided to start studying nutrition and food processing. It was during this time he came up with the idea for NEOH, the world’s first crossbar (a mix between a candy bar and protein bar).

However, turning that an idea into a reality was easier said than done.

Experimenting Begins

Getting to work, Manuel began experimenting in his kitchen with a wide variety of flavors. He knew it needed to be chocolate and have the satisfying taste of a candy bar, but the nutritional values needed to be on point for those looking for the perfect after-workout snack.

Could he make the dream a reality?

Testing Flavors

Image: Neoh

Over the course of three years, Manuel learned the ins and outs of nutrition, how to process food properly and began to experiment in flavors. He was determined to find the right balance of ingredients and flavor that would make people go crazy for NEOH.

Trial and Error

Image: Neoh

Manuel experimented with food processes and ingredients from all over the world. Trying out various techniques and taste testing more bars than you could ever imagine, he finally landed on the perfect formula…

The Perfect Balance

Image: Neoh

Utilizing a proprietary production process from Austria, Manuel landed the jackpot in terms of nutritional value and taste! Combining five different sources of protein (whey, pea, collagen, soy, and cocoa), as well as three types of sweeteners (Erythritol, Xylitol, and Maltitol) the NEOH Crossbar is a delicious chocolate treat fitness enthusiasts will go crazy for!

The Neoh Reality

Image: Instagram

After years of trial and error, Manuel succeeded in creating the perfect storm of ingredients and flavor. NEOH is only 90 calories and contains 1 gram of sugar and 8 grams of protein. Even better, it tastes just like a candy bar, so you’ll never feel like you’re eating one of those “healthy but nasty” protein bars ever again.

Indulge Your Sweet Tooth

Image: Instagram

Food cravings are a part of everyday life, but now you can give in to those cravings and indulge your sweet tooth without the guilt! NEOH is also low on the glycemic index, making it perfect for diabetics. Are you ready to give in to your cravings and take a bite?

One Mission

Image: Neoh

The mission is simple: offer an amazing tasting bar that fulfills your candy craving and provides you with the nutrition you need to succeed at your fitness goals. With NEOH, there is no compromise when it comes to flavor or nutrition. You get the BEST of both worlds.

Lose Weight, Tastes Great

Image: Neoh

Whether you’re looking to build muscle or shed a few pounds, the 8 grams of protein blended from whey, soy, pea, cocoa, and collagen will help reach your goals.

Honestly, you’ll feel like you’re cheating when indulging in this rich, chocolate bar. Each bite is a mouthful of pure bliss.

Don’t Settle for Tasteless

Image: Instagram

So why settle for tasteless protein bars that taste like cardboard? Improving your health shouldn’t make you miserable. Now you can have your “cake” and eat it too.

Don’t believe us? We DARE you to try just one bar. We promise it will be love at first bite.








