Make a List and Check It Twice!

Eating healthy starts with your decisions at the grocery store. Before you head out, make sure you put together a list and stick to it! Plus, who doesn’t love the feeling of completing a list!


Years and years of unhealthy decisions at the grocery store add up, and we’re all guilty of having some old canned food that’s been sitting in the back of the cupboard since the 90’s. Spend an hour cleaning out all of the unhealthy food around the house to force yourself to go make healthier decisions at the store. You could even donate most of that food to a local food bank!

“The Usual”

Eating out all the time is expensive, and restaurants typically cook with more butter and oil than you ever would at home! Change up your go-to meal at your favorite restaurant to something lighter and healthier (more veggies, baked instead of fried). It’ll be a nice change in your routine, and give you a healthier option!

Grocery Shop AFTER Lunch

Even if you make your list, it can be hard to stick to it. If you shop while you’re hungry, everything looks good and you’ll probably make decisions with your stomach. Eat BEFORE you go to the grocery store so that you won’t be tempted by that box of doughnuts and the deli fried chicken!

Don’t Supersize It

Let’s be honest, sometimes you just really want a burger and fries. That’s okay! When you HAVE to have it, just choose a smaller size for every item. Get a single burger and a small fries instead, and remember to drink plenty of water before and after! You’ll feel full and won’t feel nearly as guilty for eating fast food!

Guilt-Free Snacking

Dessert cravings are totally natural, but a good dessert can have a TON of calories. Try trading in your Snickers for a NEOH, the world’s first CrossBar. It has the taste of a candybar inside a protein bar! Only 1g of sugar, 90 calories, and with 8 grams of protein, Neoh is the perfect choice for guilt-free snacking.

Try a New Class

Sometimes what you really need is a little encouragement! Try signing up for something new like Zumba, yoga, or a spin class! Being in a group environment helps motivate everyone to push themselves, give it a shot!

Drink More Water

One of the easiest weight loss tricks is drinking more water. Drinking water all day helps keep you fuller for longer, and our bodies are made of up to 60% water so we need to hydrate. Swap out sugar filled sodas and juices for water as it has 0 calories and your body needs it!


There’s no tricks about it, weight loss comes from a calorie deficit, and one of the best ways to accomplish that is by eating less and exercising more! While you don’t have to turn into a gymrat who works out 24/7, studies show that even 15 minutes a day of exercise can lead to a happier life!

Veggie Time

Replacing calorie dense foods like potatoes and steak with larger portions of veggies is a great way to feel full while eating less calories. That’s not to say you CAN’T eat other foods, but try loading up on veggies and eating only half of the portion of the other stuff you’d normally eat!
