You must be very excited to welcome your miniature human, but do remember labor pain is not the only difficulty that you are going to face. The real struggle starts after you come back home with your tiny tot in tow. If you are a first-time parents, the lack of preparations and experience will not let you enjoy the initial bonding moments with the baby. It is imperative that you devote ample time to create a baby registry which suits your needs. Then again when you are first timers it is difficult to know what you may need.

That is why at Love to Have we have a wishlist and gift registry platform where you can explore and find baby registries and carefully curated baby products that can serve as inspiration points. You can explore these registries and wishlists and make your own all-encompassing baby registry that will help you prepare yourself and your home for your baby’s arrival. Register for a baby registry online and create your own best baby registry.

Some must haves:

The items that should feature first in your baby registry or wishlist.

Car Seat:

In India, we are not yet disciplined enough with regard to the safety of our newborn. Ideally, you should have good quality and latest model baby car seat installed in your car before you go to the hospital to deliver that baby. You should research and pick the best baby car seats with the best safety features.


Babies might weigh nothing but carrying them everywhere is tiring. A stroller makes visiting the mall or a walk in the park more relaxed and you have your hands free to shop as well. Make sure to register for a stroller – there are many kinds available in the market – pick one that fits your budget. The bare-boned one’s which are easy to carry, install and move around are highly advisable.


Cribs are baby’s nests for the first few months, a space where they spend most of their time. Pick one that will go with the colour and decor of the baby’s room. There are many colours and finishes available for you to choose from. Being a new mother you need a rest too and having a crib that your newborn loves to sleep in will give the much-needed rest.

Preferable to have:

Baby monitor:

All mothers are extra cautious where their babies are concerned. Get a video or audio only monitor which is compact and battery operated, so you can carry it around the house. And also will be helpful when you travel as well.

Bath Tub:

Get a bath tub large enough to last your baby’s journey from a newborn to toddler. They are extremely handy and can be used anywhere in your home from the actual bathroom to the kitchen counter.

Rocker/ bouncy seat:

If you want any work done while the baby is awake don’t forget to put this on your baby registry. Pick one that is stable and has a good buckle to reign in your wriggly little one.

Stuff you can’t resist having:

These are those guilty indulgences that make you go aww…


Babies grow very fast and spending too much on the clothes that they won’t wear for more than a month might seem pointless. But tell me who can resist those cute onesies or tutus available online, and as a mother to be you can definitely put it on your registry. Choose wisely depending on the season.


The stuffed toys, noise making tidbits or miniature toys are very tempting. And every kid needs that one stuffed toy that they cherish and remember for their lifetime. Add little lovies to your baby registry that your child will perhaps latch on to as his or her sleep toy.

Children Room Decor:

It is only natural that your nesting instincts will kick in and you will want to make everything perfect for the arrival of your little one. If you are doing up the baby room then it’s ok to indulge a little bit. Since in India we do not know the sex of the baby you can do up the baby room in neutral shades. There are really lovely wall art, crib toys, storage units available to pick from.
