Running your own business can be a dream come true for a lot of folks. The ability to set your own policies and be the one to determine what gets done and how is an attractive prospect. However, running your own business is also quite expensive. The mantra of a smart business owner is to maximize revenue, minimize cost. The aim of this guide is to help you with the latter by providing tips on how you can save on energy for your small business, minimizing costs on electric every month.

Invest in Energy Efficient Equipment

Using energy star certified or other energy efficient equipment is a good way to reduce your costs over the long term. This equipment will often be more expensive up front, but by making the investment you will save on that money in the long run. This is especially the case with equipment that forms the core of your business, as you are effectively getting a few dollars back every hour the machine runs as compared to the standard model.

Switch Off Unused Equipment

No matter how efficient the equipment is, leaving it on when not in use is a waste. Encourage the practice of shutting off equipment that is not being used. Doing so will help conserve power that the equipment usually uses in its idle state. Note that some appliances consume power even when plugged in. If practical, adopt the practice of unplugging these devices when not in use as well.

Note that this is largely conditional as some pieces of equipment have lengthy start up times that can cost you time in the long run. It is OK to leave equipment on all day if you find that you are using it so often the time required to start it up offsets the savings from power consumption.

Set Work Stations to Hibernate

Computer systems have hibernate modes that shift them to a lower power state while still allowing them to be used at a moment’s notice. Setting these work stations to hibernate will allow you to save power when you’re not using them. Note that hibernate is not as good as turning the equipment off – so power off computer systems when not in use. Only leave them to hibernate if they have a lengthy startup sequence that makes the costs of leaving them on overnight worth the time savings of not having to start them in the morning.

Minimize the Use of Artificial Lighting

Artificial lighting represents additional power and costs needed to keep your business operational. As such, the more you can rely on natural lighting, the more savings you’ll realize. Skylights are a fantastic option for keeping things well-lit without having to rely on power consuming artificial lights. Keeping conventional lights installed will be necessary for cloudy days or if your business is open at night, but skylights can save you hundreds (or, depending on business size, thousands) of dollars per month in lighting.

Have a Properly Sized AC Unit

One major factor to ensuring that you are saving on power is to make sure you are using the right AC units for the job. Make sure your installer is somebody like Adams AC who understands the needs of various sized businesses when making the install. A poorly sized unit can cost you hundreds of dollars in energy costs, and an overworked unit needs more maintenance and breaks down more often than a properly installed and sized unit.

Being Smart

Ultimately, saving power is all about being smart about how you use it. Most of the techniques for saving power commercially are those you use in the home. The only difference is the need to balance providing for your customers with the desire products or services and cost efficiency. However, following these tips will ensure the success of your business now and in the future.
