5 Amazing Design Careers for Creative Professionals
The design area is a universe of possibilities for those who are creative, have an affinity with drawing and are determined. It follows the main sectors, emphasizing that the collaborative work between the areas described strengthens the sector and opens opportunities in the market. A design career is very much a growth employment sector for any creative professional considering this niche.
Within the various segments of activity, factors such as the level of education, knowledge of a language, experience and academic formation are decisive in the valuation of the professional. This directly influences the salary, a person who has fluency in a foreign language, for example, can receive up to 67% more than a professional who does not speak another language.
A Career in Graphic Design

Graphic Design is often called just “Design” because it is the most well-known area of this remarkable and creative industry.
In this disciple a Graphic Designer works directly with developing the visuals of the products. For instance by producing images for a website, graphic material, photographs or packaging. This may involve working in applications like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and other comparable software applications.
Many professionals from other areas (photographers, architects, illustrators, industrial designers, stylists, etc.) are also graphic designers and this makes Graphic Design the most popular and generic segment of design. Often this makes it difficult to value the work, so it is always good for the professional to specialize in some specific niche or design tool.
- Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, photo.
- Differentials: Know how to draw well, have great perception of colors, typography.
- Motion Graphics
A Career in Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics is the creation of digital animations with video, effects and images. It is a strong segment of design because it has applications in cinema, music, advertising and other areas.
Working with Motion Graphics means create animations, special effects, graphics, and digital art on video.
The cool thing about working with videos is that the result is very cool and impressive. But in spite of being a very visual work, the process of creation is time consuming and very meticulous.
It is interesting to look for some specialization in Motion Graphics, such as character animation, visual effects or 3D. If you can dive into one of these subjects, you will surely have more foundation for your creations.
- Motion Graphics Tools: After Effects, Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Maya.
- Differentials: Knowledge of traditional animation.
Take the Interface Design Career Pathway
Computers, the Internet, and most recently, mobile phones and tablets have created a huge market segment for creating interfaces. Basically Interface Design involves the study and creation of screens, buttons, transitions and layouts.
The professional should think about how a lay user will use the product, always looking for a good experience. Interface Design has emerged as a division of Graphic Design, and
combines elements of programming and behavior study.
- Interface Design Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, among others.
- Differentials: Be very knowledgeable about interaction and behaviors, know how to program.
Pursuing Creative Game Design Jobs and Careers

While in the 80’s and 90’s people enjoyed games without even imagining that they could collaborate with their ideas, today there are thousands of people launching games. Creating games is no longer unique for the big producers.
Working with game design is a mix of graphic design, animation, programming, 3D modeling and interface design.
The development of games is divided into several areas and requires a lot of technical knowledge. It is difficult for a game to be developed by only one person (not a simpler game) and so it is very good to know how to work as a team and to have a general knowledge of the process.
- Game Design Tools: Varies greatly by platform
- Differentials: Have a lot of knowledge of games and a lot of creativity.
Creative Interior Design Careers
Interior Design is a very broad area that involves studying, designing and creating environments taking all aspects into account: lighting, comfort, temperature, textures and materials. Be careful to don’t confuse an Interior Designer with a Decorator.
The designer will not simply decorate the environment – he will combine elements based on a detailed design of space, materials, temperature and lighting.
- Interior Design Tools: AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit, Photoshop.
- Differentials: Have excellent notion and knowledge of architecture, lighting and materials.
What About Jobs in Product Design?
This is a segment that has returned with full force after the popularization of 3D printers. Product Design involves all the steps of creating a product, going through the draft, prototypes and final product.
It is now easy to model in 3D and create basic products without much technical knowledge. But who wants to specialize as a Product Designer should study hard and know the funds the modeling programs.
- Product Design Tools: Alias ​​Design, Solidworks.
- Differentials: Excellent spatial vision, knowledge of geometry and materials.
How About a Design Career in Fashion Design
Fashion Design is the application of design in the creation of clothing and accessories. It’s an area that mixes graphic elements with the technical aspect of clothing construction.
Working with fashion requires historical knowledge and unceasing follow-up of trends.
And it’s not just making beautiful illustrations. Even those who work only by making shirt prints need to have the technical knowledge of how the clothes are made, stamped and finished.
- Fashion Design Tools: Graphic Design Programs and Hand Tools.
- Differentials: Technical knowledge and many references.
Design Careers : Wrapping Up
As you can see design is a broad term both when it comes to understanding different creative disciplines and sub niches and equally when considering future employment. Of course these are not the only design niches. There are so many others under the design umbrella such as web design, WordPress design, 3D design, GUI development and the list just goes on and on.
What is clear is that design is a never ending sea of creative opportunity when it comes to working on projects and ideas that you hold dear. While at the same time being paid a great living wage for professional services. Certain design niches such as game design for instance can be exceptionally lucrative for those with higher end skills.
The employment potential for design as a career pathway is going nowhere in the digital age. A design career pathway is very much a growth sector, so climb on board the train. It is never to late to plan a career in design or even retrain if you have ambition and a consistent creative streak.