Famous Bronze Statues

This article discusses the renowned and noteworthy bronze statues. For people interested in finding out how these statues are made they can visit here https://www.firebirdbronze.com/bronze-casting/. We will tell you who made these statues and when. In some cases, you will also find out where the originals are currently stored.

Discobolus (The Discus Thrower 450 BCE)

The Discobolus is a sculpture of a Greek man throwing a discus. Myron the sculptor of the original sculpture was a Greek who created it out of bronze. Regrettably, the original statue has been lost. There have been numerous copies made of this statue.

Some of the copies are also Ancient Roman Copies of the original. This is a phenomenal work of art because it highlights the developments of Classical sculpture design. The sculpture depicts a Greek man on the brink of hurling a discus. The man’s potential energy as he is about to release the discus is evident from his body’s pose.

The man’s muscles show no signs of strain. Some people say the head of the original statue looked up towards the horizons as the man was about to throw the discus. Although, in later versions of the sculpture we can clearly see that the man’s face is looking down.

Lupa Capitolina (Capitoline She-Wolf 5th Century BCE)

This statue is located in Capitoline Museums in Rome, where it is kept for 360 degree viewing. This is a fully worked bronze construction which depicts a she-wolf in a standing position suckling the two founders of Rome who are the twins Romulus and Remus. The twins Romulus and Remus were abandoned on the brinks of the Tiber River in their infanthood according to Roman mythology. Their lives are saved by this she-wolf who lets them suckle.

Initially, it was believed that only the she-wolf was created in 5 Century BCE. The twins depict a distinct early Renaissance work whereas the she-wolf looks like the work of ancients. In 2006 the work was challenged. With the help of carbon-dating we believe that the structure was made in the Middle Ages.

The neck and head of the she-wolf depicts much more detail than the rear. There are the s-curls in the fur that is so traditional of the time it was crafted.

Le Penseur (The Thinker 1904)

Le Penseur is French for The Thinker bronze sculpture of a nude male sitting in philosophical contemplation. The sculpture is cast by the French artist by the name of Auguste Rodin. Rodin created many different versions of this sculpture in his lifetime. The most famous one is the monumental bronze statue that is a 6 feet bronze statue located in Paris at the Rodin Museum.

Before being dubbed as The Thinker this statue was identified as The Poet. The same design is used in a gateway called The Gates of Hell. It was believed that the sculpture depicted Dante. The size of this sculpture is monumental.

Rodin created the statue as a tribute to Michaelangelo. There are a lot of modern implications and representations of this statue.


Artists have the ability to create masterpieces that remain as time passes. Today all of these pieces are treasured even more than the day they were created.


Kimberly Atwood’s books have received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and Booklist. Kimberly lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband, an exceptionally perfect dog, and an attack cat. Before she started writing historical research, Kimberly got a graduate degree in theoretical physical chemistry from Ohio State University. After that, just to shake things up, she went to law school at the University of London and graduated summa cum laude. Then she did a handful of clerkships with some really important people who are way too dignified to be named here. She was a law professor for a while. She now writes full-time.

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