Magnets, in marketing, are an effective technique for gaining a prospect’s contact information. The problem is these magnets can take a lot of time and energy to produce. Podcasts, e-learning courses, video series, and contests all sound great – but who has time to create them all?

In this article, I’ll reveal lead magnet ideas you can create today by repurposing content you already have. What is a lead magnet? A lead magnet is a marketing tool that generates leads by offering a long-form resource.


How To Encourage Customer Inquiries to Grow Your Audience engagement can be challenging for many businesses. By encouraging clients to become customers before they’ve even expressed an interest, you stand to gain the most from your work. These traffic-building tactics are particularly useful when you aren’t an e-commerce business since people are more likely to return to the site to purchase when they can get a personal feel for your brand.

How to Create Lists That Convert When list building is more or less impossible for you, you can still produce list-building tactics that generate leads. Creating lead magnet lists is an excellent way to turn each of your readers into a lead generator.

List building is one of the easiest and most successful ways to collect leads.

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is a marketing tool that generates leads by offering a long-form resource in exchange for a little bit of your time. Some examples of content to help generate leads are:

How-To Techniques Skills Data Note: If you’re looking for other marketing ideas to help generate leads, I’ve got 10 of them for you! Profit Off the Lead Who doesn’t love free stuff? Unfortunately, all free things come with strings attached. A lead magnet, on the other hand, has no strings attached. When you offer something for free, you’re losing the possibility of a sale. Because of that, I suggest it’s wise to only offer a lead magnet with some guarantee of value – but you can’t be too strong on the conditions.

The top lead magnets you can create today

Let’s examine this list and see which of them are best suited for your website, your business, and your lead generation needs.

A Weekly Webinar When I was a software engineer, I came up with the idea to share quick tutorials on my blog using a personal alias, Steve Vogelsang. I created an email newsletter with this title and sold it to people in exchange for every email I sent. My subscribers sent me $10 in cash each week. Because of this, I’ve sold tens of thousands of e-books and services for my e-book developer and coding academy business. Simply answer a few questions and you can build a personal tutorial email list for your own business. Be sure to start your email newsletter with a content preview so people know what they’re getting themselves into.

Affordable SEO for small business make your site stand out from the competition, and rank higher in search engine results.


A blog is a great way to add value to the community. But if you’re thinking you’ll only add value to your community by writing long-form blog posts, you’re sadly mistaken. The truth is that creating content that will take a lot of time and energy to produce is the same as just creating content – there’s no real value in that.

However, by adding value and adding words that target a specific interest, you can generate leads. Lead magnets can take a lot of time and energy to create, but they are extremely valuable for generating more leads.
