Epoxy flooring is a great invention that many homeowners are becoming aware of. The resin based flooring looks modern and can create a focal point of the room. If you want to learn how to create this kind of flooring for your epoxy garage flooring, then you’re in the right place – join us as we go through the steps.

Do the Prep

The preparation for epoxy flooring is just about the most important part of the process. You should make sure that the floor is primed, clean and clear of dust – as these can potentially ruin the epoxy flooring that you’re putting down. A small amount of preparation beforehand will make for a much better final result.

Make sure that the concrete is ready and then it’s time to check your materials. You should have enough epoxy to do as many coats as you need, and also protective equipment. Make sure to consider what in your home needs to be covered or protected, as well as just the general apron and mask.

Mix the Epoxy

Epoxy comes in two parts, the base and the hardener. You need to mix these thoroughly and in the right quantities in order to create the right product to place down. Do the measurements before you get mixing, you don’t want to ruin an entire batch by using the wrong ratios.

Power mixers can be used alongside a paddle to ensure that the mixture has been fully combined. Check the viscosity at various points in order to check if it has been fully mixed. Unmixed parts of the epoxy will create flaws and blemishes in the final product, so don’t be tempted to rush this step.

Applying the Epoxy

Parts of this step may vary, depending on the exact manufacturer that you use. Follow their instructions above all others and you’ll get the best result.

Generally speaking, you want to make sure that the coat is even and fully dried before you go ahead and apply another. If you rush these coats then it will take a lot longer to dry and there’s more potential for bubbles to creep in. If you want to be fully happy with the final result, then make sure you’re paying attention to the application.

If you start to lay down the epoxy and realize it’s not properly mixed then it’s time to go back to the second step. Don’t continue the application if you think there could be any issue with the mixture. If you do, then you’ll be creating a bad first layer that will make the next layer uneven too.

Make sure you mask off all of the areas that you don’t want to get the epoxy on. Once this is dry, it’s notoriously difficult to remove from wooden skirting boards, doors and outlets. If you don’t want to have to replace these, then prepare the room properly before you start to apply.

Epoxy flooring is a hard wearing solution for many businesses and personal properties, learn how to apply this correctly and you’ll be in demand. Just take your time with each of the steps to make sure it’s applied well.
